
Classes had started and Simon was the first one there. He had his books in front of him next to a free seat, waiting to be filled with Sara's presence.

Wilhelm was on time today, looking more messy than usual. No one seemed to notice, except for Simon of course. He watched as Wilhelm sat down in his seat clumsily. He could tell something was up.

The teacher came in and they all stood up straight. Sara still wasn't there. Simon looked around in confusion, trying to make out of where she might be.

Sara had been acting off ever since Christmas break. She was dressing up more formal, never seemed to laugh as much as she did before, and avoided talking to Simon about how he was feeling after the whole sex scandal.

Simon wished he knew who released the video, who filmed them through their window. That's when it hit him.

It had to be someone that boards at Hillerska. No non-boarders were allowed to be at Hillerska at the time, and if other people that didn't attend Hillerska at all filmed it, that would be illegal and trespassing. But it was kind of illegal to begin with anyway.


"Here." He answered.



"Anybody seen Sara?" He continued, looking around the room.

"I did see her today, but she was acting kind of weird." Madison blurted out.

"Yeah, same here." Felice added. "I asked her if she was coming to class but she just said there was something she needed to take care of."

What does that mean?

Simon thought of all the possibilities of what Sara could be doing at this very moment.

"Simon? Have you seen Sara?"

Simon sprung his head up in habit. "No sir, I haven't seen her at all today."

Where could she be?


"You need to leave me alone, okay?" Sara demanded heavily, air filling her lungs with depth.

"I thought you liked what happened before break." August replied, brushing his hands through his hair with sarcasm. "Isn't that why you came back to me?"

Sara sighed. "Look, it's not right. You ruined my brother's life. If he knew what happened, he would be furious. And I'm supposed to be in class with him right now."

"I'll let him know what happened." August answered mischievously, causing Sara's head to frazzle. "But if you stay with me, I won't."

How could August do this? He really was cruel. Real cruel. Crueler than she thought he was.

"You're sick." Sara spat. "I can't believe I did this to myself. You of all people too."

That's when she realised. If Simon found out, Felice would too, and so would Wilhelm. Felice would immediately never speak to her again and Wilhelm, being the crown prince and all, could do all sorts of things to her. But, he's not like that.. right?

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