11 : Drunken Garden Maze

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[ Door To You ]

I swear, I already told you that I love you but I'll let you go.. well indirectly but you still didn't get the hint. Y/N thought as she eyed the human's back. They were now off to the last obstacle which was the maze, a garden maze.

"So what's the Garden Maze about?" Huening Kai queried, sending the girl a glance before skipping away. "It's a maze but in a garden. We have to go through it to reach the palace."

"Wait.." He turned, halting on his spot. "Are you telling me.. once we went through this maze, we will enter the palace and after that, they will... send me back..?" Y/N swore she saw how the human's eyes twitched in sadness before it got replaced by joy. However, she was reluctant to believe that he was actually sad about the fact he was going to leave. Exhaling heavily through her nose, she nodded with a small smile.

Silence wrapped itself around the two as they walked. The wet grass crunched under their feet and the now crescent marble white moon shone on them. Steps after steps and they finally arrived.

"Woah.." Huening Kai softly gasped. Y/N chuckled lowly at his reaction. Both their eyes stared at the green plants in a way there is no space for a peek or to go through. The plants were also really high which will prevent the 2 in finding their way out.

"So.." Huening Kai mumbled, sending the girl a look of disbelief. "You're saying we have to go through this?!"

The fairy nodded her head simply before taking the lead. Huening Kai followed, the look of disbelief not leaving as he took in the structure of the maze. "It's gonna take us 10 years to get pass this!"

"Oh, please," Y/N rolled her eyes with a snort. "You're being dramatic."

"It's the truth! It looks never-ending."

Y/N turned, flipping her hair. "You know you're lucky? You have a rare breath fairy with you and you have the audacity to say you can't get pass this simple maze?!"

"Right, a rare breath fairy that doesn't know what her fairy family does." The human snapped and Y/N rolled her eyes with a scoff. "Rude but I'll show you; One day, my significant other will come and kiss me. And, hopefully the curse will break."

"Why wait when he is already here?"

"Huh?" The fairy turned back to him, only to observe the older boy posing in a weird manner and sending her a wink. She snorted before turning away, ignoring the pitter patter of her poor heart. I must stop. In a few more hours, he will be gone.

Taking in a deep breath, she turned to him. "So are you ready to enter this maze?"

"Can I just take a turn and walk away?" He asked, about to take a step away but Y/N pulled him by the shirt and pulled him in. And of course, with his long legs, the human had to accidentally trip over and also topple the fairy over, unintentionally touching her wings.

"What the fuc— Oof!" Both of them fell face first on the ground, side by side.

Huening Kai's POV

I quickly pushed myself up and gave Y/N my hand to pull her up but she laid on the grass, her eyes looking at me as she gave me a weird smile. "You." She pointed before she rolled into the maze. I was taken aback as I followed, "Y-yah! Why are you rolling on the ground? Stand up." I said, giving her my hand but she just stared at my hand as if it was something weird.

"You have nice hands." She commented before placing hers' against mine. "Thank you?" I said in a questioning manner. She hummed. I watched her lay on the grass for a while before she stood up, abruptly.

"I saw a fish!" She exclaimed, skipping as I followed, confused with the sudden behavioral change in her but amusement coated me as I chuckled, giving her a look and gestured her to continue. "Did you know it was drowning?" Hastily, she moved towards me, her eyes wide and head cocking in a weird manner in both sides.

"Isn't a fish supposed to be swimming?"

"That isn't a fish!" She mumbled, "You know the fish I saw was like 'hElP mE'?" She spoke and soon fell on the ground. I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

"You know," I began. I looked at her lolling figure, "You amuse me."

"You amuse me too," Y/N said, laying flat on the ground. "I can't help but feel like I accidentally touched your wings to have you like this." I said softly. Y/N remained like a statue. "But I'm not complaining. This side of yours seems funny." Still, she remained silent.

"Shouldn't we be going through this maze?"

"I don't want to~" Y/N grumbled. As soon as she said that, she rolled herself out of the maze but I stood in front of her to block her.

"Yah, we are already so close. Didn't you want me to go back?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips as I stared down at the fairy.

"Who said I wanted you to go back?" Y/N could barely hold her eyes open as she blinked lazily, her gaze wandering around. "What?"

"What?" She repeated, giving me a look before looking away. I sighed and crouched down. "What are you doing?"

"I don't think we will even get out of here any moment if you lay on the ground so get on my back."

Y/N's eyes sparkled. She pushed herself up and gave me wide eyes, "A piggyback ride?" I nodded with a simple smile and Y/N didn't waste any time as she hopped onto my back. "You know," I began, realizing her weight. "You're so light."

"Hmm..." She hummed, placing her head on my shoulder and leaning near my ear. I held her body close, my hands gripping on her thighs to prevent her from falling over.

"If you had a pet unicorn,' Y/N maffled, "What would you name it?" She softly giggled, wrapping her hands around my body and snuggling her face in the crook of my neck. A crimson red blush coated my face as I stiffened. Y/N was still softly giggling, due to me accidentally having boosted her weird hormones she warned me to not activate. "Um.. anything?" I replied.

I bit my lower lip, trying to stop the smile that was sneaking up onto my lips. "Maybe," I said, "Maybe the weird hormones you have is fine..." I smiled, tightening my grip on the smaller body as I began my walk into the maze, occasionally having myself slamming onto a plant wall or blushing with the amount of closeness Y/N moved.

choose your fighter yall
sad or happy hmm?? 👀

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