The most reliable

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Sato: "Ah!!!"

Matsushita was looking around the room. Ayanokouji left a few minutes ago. Judging by the reaction of classmates, their opinion of him has started to change a lot. But two people haven't spoken much today for some reason. Kushida and karuizawa. Thay both have been unusually quiet now.

Matsushita: This is an interesting thing...I could understand karuizawa-san being worried as it may expose the relationship between her and Ayanokouji-kun. But why kushida-san?? What reason does she have to be worried? She may try to hide it by making a cheerful face but it is clear if you ask me that she's shaken inside. Ayaokouji-kun is a man of mysteries and one mystery at the very least involves Kushida-san.

Hirata: Well I can say that Ayanokouji-kun is a good advisor. If you go up to him with a problem, he is definitely going to help you. Although he doesn't talk much but he is a very good person once you get to know him. He may have a cruel side but that doesn't necessarily mean he's bad. I don't know what his past is but when I was looking him in the eyes that day I realized he carried much more heavy darkness within him compared to me. Even then he's unfazed by his past. His mental strength is truly worthy of anyone's respect.

People were left stunned for a few seconds by Hirata's opinion of Ayanokouji. 

Once break was over...The students were called to the venue and as soon as they all seated, mashima sensei took the stage.

Mashima: "This will be the last two videos we show today. Tomorrow your classes will begin. We may have another session like this at a later date."


I slowly got up from my seat.

"Wh-where are you going, Ayanokouji?" "Bathroom."

With that, I exited and quickly made my way toward the faculty room.

Matsushita: That doesn't sound like the bathroom

Horikita: You're in for a lot of surprises of you believe his first words.

I wondered if Chiyabashira-sensei had already arrived. As I thought that, I caught her staring out the window into the first-floor hallway, almost as if she were waiting for someone.

Chie: Oooh! Sae -chan and Ayamokouji-kun meeting again. I wonder what it's about.

Ayanokouji was not present here at the moment.

"Ayanokouji, hmm? Class will begin any minute, you know," she said.

 "Sensei. Would it be all right if I asked you one question?"

"One question? Is that why you went to the trouble of chasing after me?"

"I'm curious about something."

"First it was Horikita, now you. What in the world is it?" "Do you think that today's Japanese society is fair?"

Katsuragi: This again?

Kanzaki: I wonder if he always thinks this when he's alone. This would drive me crazy.

"What an incredible change in topic. So sudden, too. Is there some special meaning behind this question?"

"It's very important. I would like your opinion."

"If you're asking for my personal opinion, then, no, of course not. The world isn't fair, not even the slightest bit."

"I see. I feel the same way. I think that equality is a fiction."

"So, did you chase after me merely to ask that question? If that's all, then I'll be going."

Revealing the mastermind - Classroom of the eliteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant