"Ow-! Father, you're hurting me!" Kazuo half whispers as he tries to pull his wrist away. Mikey was about to approach Kazuo's table when his dad suddenly stands up and drags Kazuo out of the restaurant. Kazuo spares Mikey another glance before getting out of the restaurant with his father's back still facing him. When the two got a little further away from the restaurant, Kazuo's dad lets go of his wrist. Kazuo looks at his wrist and sees a red mark forming. Kazuo grits his teeth as he glares at him, "What was that all about-!", "Are they your friends?" He questions in a demanding tone, "Uh- yeah..they are?"

His dad spares him a glance, "From now on stop hanging out with them," He says as he starts walking away. Kazuo stood there dumbfounded as his anger starts rising, "What do you mean!? They're my friends! You can't just tell me to do that!" Kazuo shouts at him as he starts following him. His father continues to walk while ignoring him which made his blood boil even more, "Father you don't even know th-"

"Takahashi Kazuo," His father suddenly says as he stops in his tracks. Kazuo shuts his mouth as he felt his whole body shiver. He turns around glaring at him which made Kazuo's whole body turn stiff, "We'll talk about this at home," He says still not removing the deadly glare on his face, "...okay," Kazuo says, as they start walking back home again.


"Are you out of your goddamn mind Eitaro!?" Kazuo's mom shouts at her husband, "I'm telling you I'm just trying to keep Kazuo safe!", "What's safe with that!? Isolating Kazuo until he's old!? He's 14 for fucks sake!" Kazuo's mom shouts at him even more.

Kazuo sighs as he lays down on his bed. This was technically the first time he'd ever witness his parents fighting. He's pretty sure his previous parents fight too, but if they do they usually hide it from Kazuo as to not affect him.

Kazuo tries to bury his head on his pillow as his parents continue to shout at each other in the living room, "I'm not isolating him! I'm just making him stay away from those people, they're...bad for him, I tell you!" His dad reasons out with his mom, "Oh fuck off, you don't even know them and you're already judging just by taking a glance at them!?", "You don't know what you're talking about, Atsuko," his father says in a dangerous tone,

"Oh, I know what I'm saying. Ever since Kazuo started walking you're always trying to isolate him from other kids! When will you fucking learn when to stop from trapping him in that pretty little cage of yours!"

Kazuo stands up as he walks over to his window. He doesn't know what to do. Will things like this happen often to them? Kazuo sighs as he walks over to his door. Gathering the courage to open it up, "Kazuo! Where are you going?" His dad asks, "Out," he says as he wears his shoes, "No you're not! You're still grounded Kazuo,"

"Grounded!? Since when did you have the right to-" Kazuo closes the door as his parents voices just become muffled noises, "that was intense.." He says to himself as he starts walking away from his house.

The sudden cold breeze brushing through his skin gave him goosebumps, "I wonder how they're doing right now. Is my mom still obsessing over those Korean dramas she watches? Is my dad still going around the neighborhood and befriending every single living being that exists? Are my friends still joking around while eating lunch?" He talks to himself as he reminisces the times he had when he was still...alive in his past life.

Suddenly, Kazuo crouches down, hiding his face with his hands as he felt tears running down his face. He didn't even get to process properly everything that's been happening to him. Sure, he's quite happy that he's inside his favorite manga right now. But he was 14 for fucks sake. He died too young and too early.

His Look-Alike(Tokyo Revengers × Male OC)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now