6. Journey to the Land of Waves!

Comincia dall'inizio

'Way to show everyone whose boss, Naruto!' thinks Miyo with a small smile.

Kakashi sighs with a defeated look on his face, "I knew this was coming..."

Iruka stands up from his seat and slams his hands on the table he was sitting at, "How dare you! You're just a brand new Genin with no experience! Like everyone else you start with simple missions to develop your skills and prove yourself!"

"Are you serious?! Babysitting is not a mission, it's just a stupid!" before Naruto could finish, Kakashi punches the top of his head, "Will you put a lid on it?"

"Naruto! It seems you do not understand the tasks you have been given." says Lord 3rd, effectively making Naruto look up from his rambling, "Listen, many different kinds of requests come into our village everyday. From babysitting to assassinations. These requests are carefully recorded, analyzed, then ranked, 'A', 'B', 'C', or 'D'. Depending on their difficulty."

"We ninja are also ranked by ability, Hokage at the top, Jonin, Chunin, and Genin at the bottom. At the highest level we select the missions and assign them to ninja who have the appropriate skill and experience. And if the mission is successful, we receive a fee that supports our village, and our work."

The hokage takes a puff from his pipe, "Since you are untried genin, just starting down the Shinobi path," he pulls out a scroll, "You are given D level assignments, of course-, Hmm?" Lord 3rd cuts himself off; realizing they aren't paying attention.

"So I had this Tonkotsu ramen yesterday, and I was thinking maybe Miso ramen today-"


"Wait he was talking?"

"Oh, sorry." says Kakashi while rubbing the back of his head apologetically.

"Gah! You always lecture me like you're my grandfather or something! But I'm not the little brat who use to pull pranks all the time! I'm a ninja now and I want a ninja mission!" pouts Naruto who was sitting down with his hands on his legs.

Kakashi sighs in defeat, "I know I'm going to hear about this later."

The Hokage chuckles while taking a puff of his pipe, "Naruto wants us to know he's not a brat- he's a former brat who wants a mission!

So be it.."

Naruto gasps in surprise along with the rest of his squad.

"Since you are so determined, I am going to give you a 'C' ranked mission. You'll be bodyguards on a journey."

Naruto jumps up from his seated position, "Who?! Who?! Are we guarding a princess?! Or some big league counselor?!"

"Don't be so impatient. I will bring him in now." says the Hokage with a smug look on his face.

"Send in our visitor."

Squad 7 all turn around at the door behind them, waiting to see who they'll be traveling with.

The door slides open to reveal a middle aged man with a bottle of booze in his hand, wobbling in the room, clearly showing that he's drunk.

"What the? A bunch of little snot-nosed kids?" says the man with disappointment, taking a swig from his bottle.

"So we have to guard this... thing? Disgusting." says Miyo with a sickened look on her face, this comment makes Kakashi bonk her on the head.

He proceeds to chug more of his drink and posts himself leaning against the wall, "And you, the little one with the idiotic look on your face, you expect me to believe you're a ninja?"

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