"Sneeking around"

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Rafes eyes lit up when he saw Ruby. Ruby's true personality came out when she was with Rafe. Both of them become someone else, a different version of themselves when being around each other.

Rafe had been hiding the fact that he was in the process of getting kicked out by his father. Rafe hid it from Ruby knowing that she would ask why. Rafe had spent money that his father gave him on a bike, and was now involved in drugs to pay Ward the money back, that was the main reason he didn't want Ruby knowing. Ruby was from a different world, she would have offered to help.

Rafe didn't know why but over the past few days he thought of Ruby as a completely different person. No longer a pouge raiding their kitchen and sleeping in their house. But a beautiful girl who he felt the need to constantly protect. Rafe knew the horrible things other guys wanted to do with Ruby. He saw they're eyes as she walked by, he heard the way they would talk about her, he knew the things they would do to her, if he wasn't there.

It was an early morning. Rafe snuck into the guest bedroom where Ruby was staying (as per usual) she was sleeping, Rafe admired the way she looked as she slept. He sat down next to her just starring. She was so small, so beautiful, so fragile.

The things Rafe thought we very old fashion. The need he felt to protect he as if she couldn't do it herself. But Ruby liked that. She liked the thought of Rafe being by her side and him sometimes going to far in order to protect her, that's why they were good for each other. Both toxic, but toxic together.

Rafe bent towards Ruby's ear and whisper gently. "Baby" he said softly. "Pack a bag" he followed along after seeing her eyes slowly open. Ruby not hesitating to grab the side of his face and pull him towards her. Ruby felt a rush when she was with Rafe. He was addicting for her.

She did just as he said, coming downstairs with the backpack she always brought to Tanny Hill, to stay with Sarah. Rafe ushered her to get on his bike. The bike he bought with his dads money Ruby would soon to find out.

Ruby never felt more alive then how she did over the past few days. With Rafe. Sneaking around hiding a secret. They pulled into a large drive way, it was a large house, smaller then Tanny hill but in Ruby's mind anything was bigger then where she truly lived. Rafe didn't know her past. He knew she was a pouge and such but he didn't know what that truly meant. She didn't want him to know.

She knew the things Rafe would do to her father would be unwatchable. She often try's to block it out of her memory, being with Rafe out her mind at ease. Rafe held the door for her as she walked in her eyes glancing straight up at the large chandelier on the stealing. "What are we doing here" Ruby asked. "Go upstairs" Rafe muffled quietly. Ruby did as he said walking up the stairs well knowing where Rafes eyes were looking as he walked slowly behind.

Hey guys so so so sorry about the wait I've been crazy busy with work so please understand! I've also been getting low with inspiration for this story so I decided to make it in a narrator form to try to make it better for me to write. I'm still going to add a few POV thos as well!
Please please give some ideas for me to add! I love them as I took one for this and upcoming chapters! Thanks love you guys thanks for almost 200 reads!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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