Time to plan

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"Bennett!" Razor called out when he saw Bennett walk through the gateway "Oh hey buddy, did ya wait for me?" "Question, what do to show romantic love?" Bennett, being completely oblivious didn't think anything of it, and answered the question. "Hmm...I'd say give them flowers! But really just showing them kindness or giving them a hug could work!" "Oh okay, what Bennett favorite flower?" "Huh? Well I'd have to say a wind wheel aster! I love that they spin in the wind!" 

When Bennett woke up the next morning he was immediately flushed red, he was facing Razor with their faces only a few inches apart, and once again Razor had his arms wrapped around Bennett. Bennett tried to get up but Razor had a strong grip in his sleep. "My Archon he is strong!" Bennett thought to himself. He waited for a few minutes when he heard a few groans coming from his friend. Bennett, being super embarrassed pertended to be asleep. "Hgnn..yaaaaaum oh! Sorry Bennett." Razor didn't realize Bennett was "asleep" at first. He quickly removed his arms not wanting Bennett to get upset. "...? Bennett?" He was still pertending to be asleep. "Oh, still asleep" He wrapped his arms around Bennett again, he's asleep surely he won't mind right?

When they both eventually got up Bennett thought it would be best not to mention anything about this morning. "Razor has question." "What is it bab- I mean BUDDY!" "What do on a date?" Of course, Bennett being  a complete and utter fool did not seem to recognize what Razors recent actions mean. "Well anything really! You pretty much hang out with the person you love!...romantically." "Have you been on date?" "Nope, Never. Though I wish I had haha!" Bennett rubs the back of his head awkwardly as he continues. "If I had to describe a perfect date...it would probably be gliding around...finding a nice cave, and having a picnic! Don't ya think having a picnic in a cave sounds cool!?" Razor nods. "You like meat?" "Meat is the best substance there is! Of course I do."

A few hours later Razor has yet another question. "How do a kiss?" "I- uhm" No Bennett was NOT catching on he was just startled by the odd question. "Well you put your lips...on another persons lips..uhm b-but you only do it if you love them! Romantically!!" "Also what a...Boyfriend?" "A boyfriend? Well that's easy! It's a boy you love romantically if they love you back!" "What if they don't." "Well then it's a crush. Why are you asking all these questions about love Razor?" Bennett was finally picking up on the pattern. "Have uh...crush!" Bennett's heart dropped, "he- has a crush?..." That morning Bennett finally realized he had his own crush, on Razor. "I guess I should've seen this coming... I really do have bad luck don't I?"

Bennett sulked in his room for a bit while Razor was off doing Archon knows what. He eventually was able to push it to the back of his mind, that is until Razor walks in with a question. "How know if you love...romantically someone?" This was something Bennett could answer 100% truthfully. "For starters you get nervous around them easily, maybe hot even. You also find yourself wanting to spend all your time with them." Bennett was drifting off into his own little world full of romantic thought of Razor. "You'd be scared if you ever got sperated, jealous of people around them...and most importantly, you care for them more than you care for yourself." "Thanks...last question."

"...want to go gliding Bennett?"

How do I love, Bennett?Where stories live. Discover now