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Sorry it's a bit short.


Danielle awoke, her head aching and her body exhausted. Clearly she had been drinking last night, though it took a while for her mind to process the fuzzy memories of last night. Este and Alana had dragged her to that new club, she knew that much. She also vaguely remembers some creep hitting on her, but that's about it. Sighing, she slowly got out of bed, rubbing her tired eyes. She shuffled out to the kitchen and started the coffee pot before sitting at the counter. 1:45, the clock read. She hadn't slept that late in ages. She was about to check her phone when the door burst open.

"Danielle," Este's too cheerful voice bellowed, "guess who's the best sister in the entire world?"

"Sisters." Alana corrected with a labored breath, coming into view.

"I told you the elevator was faster. Pay up."

"No. Way. This wasn't. An official. Bet." She spoke between breaths.

"What? We totally shook on it. You-"

"Uh, guys?" Danielle interrupted their petty argument.

"Oh, right. I'm kinda the greatest person ever," The two walked inside, setting two brown paper bags on the table,"We got you some breakfast from the diner while we were there. Should help with your hangover." The blonde sat down next to her.

"Hey," Alana interjected, sitting next to Este. "How'd last night go with that guy? He's not still here is he? Oh my god that would be so awkward."

"Oh yea, D, how'd that turn out?"

She furrowed her brow, completely unaware of whatever they were talking about. "Uhh..What guy?"

"Oooh, did it go bad? It's alright." Este looked at her, brushing her messy hair out of her face.

"No-I seriously have no clue who you two are talking about."

"Oh my god!" The youngest girl laughed, "How much did have to you drink? Jeez."

"D, last night I got a text from you.." She paused, scrolling through her phone. "Hi this isn't Danielle but a friend. She wanted me to let you know that I helped her back to her place. She told me what a protective sister you are but don't worry she is in safe hands. Smiley face." She read the message aloud.

Suddenly the memory flooded back to her. "Oh.." She groaned, rubbing her eyes,"Liz."

"What?" The other two questioned in unison.

"Liz...I-okay last night there was this creep or whatever who wouldn't leave me alone or take his hands off me and then this girl-Liz-got him go away and I don't know I was really drunk and I think I wanted to go home so she offered to help me home and...yea."

"Did she kick that guy's ass? If you ever see him point him the fuck out and I swear I will rip his fucking balls off." Este took a pause, composing herself and putting a hand on her sister's arm. "You're okay, right?"

"Yea, no I'm fine, but thank you. I was hoping you'd come and save me but you were nowhere to be found. Luckily she was there."

"Yea, D. Sorry I wasn't there. I wanna meet this girl and thank her though."

"Same." Alana added.


After she had finished eating, her sisters left. She loved them, but with a hangover they were a bit too much to handle. She finally got around to checking her phone, noticing a message from an unknown number. That's seemed odd.

*hey, it's Liz. Ur prob wondering how I got ur number but last night I texted it to myself. Is that creepy? Omg im such a creep sorry! I just wanted to check and make sure u r okay. Sorry!*

She found herself smiling. She doesn't remember a whole lot of last night but she remembers feeling weirdly happy around her. Her thumbs hovered over the keyboard, trying to figure out what she should say.

*no dont worry! Thanks for being so nice I seriously owe you. I should take you to lunch or something to repay. On me of course!*

She chewed her bottom lip, unsure if she should send it. It felt too forward. Well too forward for herself at least. Mustering up some strength, she sent it.

With that she went and cleaned herself up, taking a much needed shower. When she was all finished she came back out, carefully checking her messages.

*Oh you don't have to but that sounds great! I'm free Thursday.*

Why seeing this made her heart skip a beat, she didn't know, but quickly they made plans together. She honestly hasn't felt this happy about something in a while.

The next day at band practice her older sister must have picked up on her mood. "Hey, what's got you so giddy?"

"Nothing...Just a nice day out, isn't."

"Yea..." Este was unconvinced, giving her a questioning look.

"OoOh maybe D met a guy." Alana chimed in cheerfully.

"Oh, D's excited about getting the D? Is that what you're saying?" The two laughed as the guitarist blushed, looking at the floor.

"You guys are the worst.." She mumbled, embarrassed.

"Lighten up. We're just teasing."

"But seriously is there a guy in this equation?"

"No." She said firmly.

"Okay." Este held her hands up in mock surrender.


When she went to bed that night she couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of her face. Chill, she told herself. Why was she so excited? I mean sure Liz was nice and all, and from her memory, very pretty, but they were just having lunch. All she was doing was repaying a very nice girl. She shouldn't be feeling like this. Her thoughts kept her up late, but eventually she tired herself to sleep.

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