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I don't think Y/n will be meeting Mika again in the first chapters hehe...
Ik the title is dramatic af for what's actually happening rn- but I couldn't find a better one (>○-○)> ~~~ ●

3rd person pov:

   It was about 6 a.m. and Guren suddenly comes in Shinoa's squad dorm and waking up Y/n, Yuu and Shinoa.
   "Guren, what the heck!" Y/n and Yuu almost yelling.
   "Don't yell, you'll wake up Kimizuki and Yoichi!" Guren said while slapping both Yuu and Y/n.
   "Ow!" They say it at the same time .
   "You guys just shut up already till you make Guren even angrier!" Shinoa whispered with a serious look on her face.
    "What did we even do...?" Y/n tries to whisper to them but Guren hears it.
   "What did you do? You went out at night even though I told you not to."
   Guren hits Y/n in the head.
   "I said don't yell, you're gonna wake up the others!"
   "Fine. Why did you wake us up so early?"
   "Since none of you know how to fucking listen to me I'll have to teach you a lesson." He said cheerfully.
   "But I didn't do anything-"
   "I told you that you're not ready to go alone but you still didn't listen, now all of you get changed!"
   They all went to get their uniforms and changed.
   Guren then makes them get out and brings them somewhere else.
  "Yuu and Shinoa, you can start."
  "Hey! Why doesn't Y/n-"
   "Don't worry, I just want to talk with her."
   Yuu's still a bit mad but him and Shinoa start sweeping the floor. Guren and Y/n went to the other room.
   They were alone in a room and staring at each other......it was kinda awkward.
   "So why didn't you come back yesterday? I maybe didn't show it, but I was worried. Also,          Yuu and Shinoa said you were alone, nobody else was there besides you."
   "Actually there was a vampire, right when they came he just.....disappeared."
   "Well didn't you say you can take care of yourself?"
   "I can! I didn't even have time to react, he jumped out of nowhere then pinned me to the wall!"
   "And how are you alive? A vampire wouldn't just let someon-"
   "Well he was about to bite me, then he suddenly stopped, said sorry , a noble came than left, told me not to run away and than he just disappeared ."
   "Don't talk over me. Are you sure that you wasn't just dreaming or something?"
   "Yes! When did I ever lie to you?!"
   "Multiple times."
   "Y/N WHEN TF ARE YOU COMING?!" They both hear Yuu screaming from the other room.
   "I almost forgot! Y/n go back to work. "

   ' Ok, now I regret going to patrol that day.'

   Y/n sighs and goes back in the other room to work with Shinoa and Yuu. Guren only sat there on a chiar and looked at them to make sure they don't waste any time taking breaks.

   After about 2 hours they're done, they put everything back and are about to leave. Guren has fallen asleep already so Y/n decides to go wake him up, just to let him know they are done.
   Y/n goes over to Guren and just slaps him. He slowly opens his eyes and touches his cheek.

   "Y/n, what the hell!"

   Yuu and Shinoa start laughing.

    "I just wanted to let you know we are done.~"
   "You could have done it in a nicer way! Im so fucking close to beat you right now. "
   "Ehe...no need to use violence..."
   "You were the one who slapped me!"
   "Anyway, we are leaving. "
   "Yea yea...just go already."
   They all say goodbye to Guren and leave.

On the hallway

   They were all going back to the dorms. When they got there Kimizuki and Yoichi weren't awake yet. They were supposed to have a free-day today since it was Sunday and a battle was going to happen soon, so after all three of them got back, they changed into casual outfits.

 They were supposed to have a free-day today since it was Sunday and a battle was going to happen soon, so after all three of them got back, they changed into casual outfits

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   This is what Y/n is wearing. ^(°-°)^
   This isn't made by me, it's a random link I found on google, here's the link in case y'all want it https://charat.me/en/genesis/create/
(If y'all don't like something about the way I made these characters just think about something else)
   Also I'll keep making these outfits for Y/n since I rlly like it- It's pretty addicting ngl, I didn't put blush on the black ones cuz it only let me use the pink one, and it looked kinda weird.
   And when a lot of people talk I'll try to do something like this so it wont be confusing(I'll put the initial of their name first, if they have the same initials I'll write their full name) :

S:"small pp man"
Y: *starts crying *

Anyway, let's get back to the story. ◆_◆

   Yuu goes in the middle of the room and then just:


   Yoichi and Kimizuki wake up, Yoichi even falling out of the bed. Y/n goes over to Yoichi to help him get up.
   Yoichi:"Thanks, Y/n..."
   Y/n:"No problem!"
  Y/n smiles at Yoichi and he smiles back.
  K:"Why the fuck are you all awake so early in the morning? This was supposed to be a free-day."
  Yuu:"Guren was mad at us and made us do so work...and we weren't going to wait till you woke up."
   S:"Where's Mitsuba?"
Mitsuba juat walked in and leans on one of the walls.
   S:"where were you?! If I think about it, you weren't in the room all morning!"
   M:"chill down...I juat couldn't sleep and went out for a walk."
  Y/n:"Enough talk! Kimizuki and Yoichi get dressed!"
  K:"But it's so ear-"
  Y/n:" we always wake up at 8. I don't care it's a 'free-day', you both are the only ones that aren't up ye-"

  Guren bursts in the room.

  G:"I know I told you this will be a free day before the battle but I need you guys to go on a mission."
  K:" C'MON NOW, WHY?!"
  G:"shut up and get dressed already."
Kimizuki and Yoichi get dressed, of course the other had to change back in their uniforms too.

Here's Y/n's uniform <★•★>

  G:"Since I can't really trust you alone anymore, you'll go on the mission with Makoto's team and Shinya

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  G:"Since I can't really trust you alone anymore, you'll go on the mission with Makoto's team and Shinya."
  Yuu:"I can take care of the team if anything happens, we don't need more people!"

   Everyone besides Yuu starts laughing.
Yuu:"What so funny?!"

   Yuu made and angry face and crossed his arms.
  Y/n:"You taking care of us?" Y/n continues to laugh with the others.
   G:"That's enough laughing for today, not get your asses out of the room and follow me."
   Says Guren, still laughing a bit.
He brings the others outside so the can meet before the mission with Narumi's team and    Shinya.
  N:"Really Guren, Kids?!"
   Yuu:"Hey! We aren-"
   Y/n:"Im sorry to break it to you Yuu, but we are kids."


I'm already gonna start writing the next chapter <(⁰^⁰<).

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