Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
They all freaked out and fell on ground
Ak: How TF They can hear us
A: guys I think we found something
U: we too
Tk: ok wait from starting what do we know and what happened with us
S: ohk so(tells everything)
The lady said that's something related to magic and its called black magic tragedy
M: and and I took a photo of it let me check
Manav took out his phone and what he saw he was shocked
Tk took his phone and saw the photo blurred and written STOP in blood
Ak: okay creepy
Tk: we got nothing (tells everything)
A: only one option left
Ak: that is to go in there
Tk: R u sure like we literally know nothing and last time Mnv just went till outside u saw what happened
U: what option do we have
Mnv: ok start gathering things we will go tmrw morning
They gathered some things:
Tk: Powerbanks and airtel portable router (reels post krni hui toh jk)
Mnv: Torch,magnifying glass
U: Water-bottles
S: extra clothes
A: sanitizer and wiping clothes (ruko jara age dekho)
Ak: Lays cheetos chocolates x50

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