"Your boyfriend is cute" the old lady complemented nudging my arm. "Oh, Uhm thank you mam" I bowed my head with a smile not wanting to disappoint or correct her.

Yuta smirked at me before looking away.

"Boyfriend huh" he chuckled with his head high and his hands in his jacket pockets. "I didn't want to disappoint her" I groaned knowing he would tease me. "Fair enough" he sighed walking towards a large glass building with the name 'fantasy world' written in grey writing.

We walked past reception who only gave him welcoming smiles. We walked through a small gate and entered a elevator.

Going to the 12th floor we made it to a modern decorated office.

- inside had a large screen displaying a video game sort of like gta, a large desk had three monitors on it guarding the sight of the slim male in a white leather chair. The windows where large and tinted making sure that if drones tried to have a peak inside it would be impossible. The floors where marble and the walls where decorated with various medals and awards -

I followed close behind Yuta as he greeted the male who I assumed was his brother. "Why are you here yuta" the male mumbled typing some codes into his computer.

"I have the files" Yuta said digging a usb out his pocket. "Does it have all his Bitcoin" his brother got up and walked around the desk to rest on it. Yuta nodded handing over the silver usb. "And proof of them stealing my code" Yuta nodded again rolling his eyes.

"Great work bro, now is she trusted" his brother asked nodding his head in my direction. I heard the sound of the safety pin of a handgun being clicked. My eyes widened but I felt Yuta pull me behind him.

"I trust her" Yuta defended protectively holding you against his back. "Fine" his brother said taking out his handgun and placing it on the desk as surrender.

"I'm nakamoto suno" the tall male bowed. I got out of Yutas grip and bowed showing respect. "I'm joo hyejin" I greeted with a smile.

"We need to get going I have a hair appointment" Yuta pulled me back and started walking to the elevator. "I'll be seeing you joo hyejin" he finally said before the doors closed.

"Stay away from him, he can have you killed in moments" Yuta mumbled scowling at the metal doors. "I wasn't planning on talking to him" I sighed leaning against the wall and unbuttoning my collar and loosening the tie.

We left the company and walked to the mall. Once we got inside he stopped outside a barber. "Buy yourself something nice, I'll be out in a few hours" he smiled taking a stack out his pocket and pulling a few hundreds out to give me. "Yuta that's too" "hush love, I'll see you in a few" he smirked walking through the glass doors.

I sighed looking at the floor, a note had fallen from his pocket when he took out the money. I crouched down and picked up the note which said.

6,000 won
Na jaemin

My jaw dropped, this is bad. I jumped to my feet and began walking to the escalators.

What do I do, I'm not spending this money. I ordered a coffee and paid with the money on my student card. I sat at a lonely table and looked over the hand written note.

I jumped out of my thoughts stuffing the note into my pocket. "Why are you so jumpy love?" Yuta asked with a chuckle. He took a seat in front of me and looked at my unfinished coffee. "That was fast" I mumbled looking away from him. "It's been two hours. Are you alright hyejin you haven't touched your coffee" he asked looking at the cold coffee.

"Oh I must have been day dreaming" I smiled and got up from my seat to throw out the coffee. "I think I'm going to go back now, school finished a few minutes ago I don't want jaemin to get suspicious" I smiled starting to walk away leaving the now blonde Japanese confused in his seat.

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