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It was a Friday morning and I sat in class listening to the literature teacher talk about 'the sun and her flowers' by Rupi Kaur. I rested my cheek on the palm of my hand as I doodled onto my notebook not really paying attention to the description.

The door slid open and my long term best friend walked in bowing to the teacher. "Your late Han Minju" she disciplined hitting Minju's head with the book. "Sorry miss" she apologised in a low voice before giving her a smile and walking to the desk next to mine.

"What took you so long, I had to take the bus" I whined kicking her leg with the side of my foot. "I woke up late" she shrugged leaning back in her seat and swiping away her curtain bangs. I scoffed and turned my attention back to my doodles.

I sat outside campus with minju as she took long puffs from her strawberry flavoured vape. "Don't blow it on my sandwich" I whined covering my chicken salad sandwich with my hands. "It's the winds fault" she replied watching the popular group of girls walk through the gates.

"How much of them do you think have plastic surgery" minju asked faintly as she stared off into the distance. "Sangsa definitely has lip fillers she looks like if she smiles wide enough they'll pop" I mumbled packing my sandwich away into the ziplock bag.

"We should go see a movie tonight" I suggested linking my arm with hers as we walked down the grassy hill. "I'm busy tonight, I have work" she gave me a tight lip smile. "You've never told me what you work as, is it illegal?" I wondered furrowing my brows in concern. "Why don't you come with me and find out" she smirked as I just nodded slowly.

We had gone to minju's house and changed into something other than our uniforms. I wore dark blue low waisted denim jeans pared with a dark purple cropped tank.

"Come on we're going to be late, it's almost seven" minju rushed me out into the garage, I got in the passenger seat of her black Ford Mustang.

She gave me a smile and started the car. "Why aren't we using your Honda?" I asked looking out the window. "That cars not as good for drifting" I looked at her confused but she just laughed and shook me off.

She pulled up to an abandoned street. Two men stood at the gates, one of them came up to her window and identified her before letting her in.

Once the gates opened I seen cars parked on the dirt paths beside the road. Groups of people stood around such cars and conversed, there was music playing from a few speakers which I could feel through the car floor.

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