I'm just too short

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Some people are a walking cloud of grumpy.


Their height.

A short person  never gets enough respect or regard.

They are seen as little things who just couldnt grow.

Its wrong!

Think about how dwarves are treated like little things .

Someone asked me"Why are short people always angry?"

Think for a while, why?

Why are they easily angered?

Have you even seen an average height being treated like a child?

Its kind of annoying to call someone, they look around and you have to say
"Down here!"

Trust me, if it were me?

I'd actually push the person.

I don't blame short people for being aggressive when disrespected at the slightest bit.

I blame society.

If you're short and you have to buy heels all the time to boost your height but you don't like it one bit, leave it.

Don't let any underserving fool walk over you!

You're perfect the way you are.

If someone complains about your height,  tell them
"Without me, you wouldn't be taller, you'd just be there"

Be yourself, shine bright.

You're not short,  no one is.


If your peers disrespect you cause of your height? Its no biggie.

If they insult your height?
Its just because they don't realise how they'll be without you.

If you're training in combat and they refuse you? That's because they realise you can use your height to your advantage.(same goes for females)

To all short people

Do not think of the cons of being short, think of the pros.

If you cant reach something then what the hell are ladders made for?

Can't get your hands on a ladder?

Get a stool or something.

Leave the proud ones alone who'd rub it in your face.

You're perfect just the way you are.

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