he's a what!?!!

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No one's pov

Bakugou was walking home since school just had ended and bakugou was very nervous you see tomorrow they were getting their results for the secondary gender test so yeah not knowing what he is was making him super nervous bakugou got home than ate and took a bath bakugou got ready for bed going in his covers and getting very comfy 

Bakugou's pov

After I got comfy in my bed yes I will admit that i'm very nervous for my results tomorrow but it's what fucking ever well I'm going to bed I just hope I'm a daddy and not anything else

No one's pov

Bakugou woke up and got ready for school he ate than he started walking to school on his way there he ran into kirishima,denki,and Mina. "Hey! Bakubro!" Kirishima says as he slings his arm around bakugou's shudder "hi blasty!" Mina says
Denki looks at him before asking him "are you nervous for the results kacchan?!", denki asks him bakugou just shrugs

They make it to school and walk into their class room seeing everyone talking Excitingly among them self's bakugou than sits at his desk with the 'bakusquad' surrounding him  a new voice rings out by them as they look up and see deku standing there
" hey kacchan are you excited for the results!?", deku asks him

Bakugou just sneers at him "of curse i am damn nerd!I'm gonna be a daddy!" Bakugou says kirishima looks at him "what if you're not a daddy than bakubro?" Kirishima asked him bakugou looked at him dead in the eyes "I am gonna be one!! Shitty hair" Bakugou says

Aizawa sensei comes in and everyone instantly quiets down and looks at him "okay I have the results here I have not opened them yet but that's what I will be doing now if you don't like your secondary gender please come talk to me after class"
Aizawa sensei than puts the list on board

Deku-baby baby little
Shoto-baby little
Mina-baby little
Jirou-baby little
Shoji-toddler little
Uraraka-toddler little
Lida-baby little
Asui-toddler little
Orjio-toddler little
Momo-baby little
Shinsou-baby little
Tokoyami-baby little
Kirishima-baby little
Denki-toddler little
Sero- baby little
Koda- baby little

"WHY AM I A MOMMY?!?" Bakugou said as he quickly grew angry

"Bakubro calm down" kirishima said as he tries to calm him down

"Yeah blasty look I'm a baby little!!" Mina said trying

"Yeah me too kacchan! I'm a little baby" denki says as he rubs his neck nervously

"MOTHERS ARE FUCKING USELESS!!!" Bakugou said to them making everyone go quiet

"Bakubro........" Kirishima said looking at bakugou with disappoint

"Blasty...." Mina says going to sit with the other girls

"Kacchan....." Denki says while shaking his head

Lida than came up to them and glared at bakugou as sweat dropped from bakugou's forehead
"Bakugou saying that is unacceptable!!" He said *lol doing the weird chop thingeys with his hand

"Why did you say that?" Shinsou asked him

Bakugou just looked at him and takes before going back to his seat

Aizawa sensei than started the lesson until......denki raised his hand "yes denki?" Aizawa sensei said while looking at him
"Um what is your secondary gender? I mean just asking I don't want to sound rude" denki said aizawa just sighed as he looked back at denki "I'm a baby little" everyone one was shocked to find out that their teacher was a baby little I mean he doesn't look like
One so I get it but still don't judge

After school Bakugou walks with his squad back to the dorms
After they get back to the dorms Bakugou went to his room
Not ever a hour later he heard a knock on his door he tried to ignore it but they just kept knocking so he got up while grumbling
Curses under his breath as he made it to the door he opened the door to see Mina,Lida,deku,kirishima, uraraka,denki,and Todoroki. He was already annoyed by them 'what the HELL do they want now?????' Bakugou thought to him self

Bakugou's pov

I was there waiting for them to say something but they just stood there nervously "what do you extras want??!" I said to them they instantly snapped there heads up to me "um kacchan we we're wondering.... .if you could take care of us while in our um....headspace" deku asked me I raised an eyebrow at the question "Bakugou we are here to ask you to watch us in our headspace" Lida said nervously "why don't you watch each other?!?!" I said "we can't our headspaces are that of a baby so we can't and if we're watching each other we might slip and that would be dangerous for us" todoroki said I just sighed "fine but only for 30 minutes" they all cheer as they drag me to the common room when I get there I see the whole class there I around and glare at deku "he he..well they also wanted to slip" deku said before pulling me to the couch. Deku and kiri sat on both sides of me.

Okay so how did you guys like it! It took me a while but here I am

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