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unexpected guest.
chapter sixteen -


'SHUUJI, WAS I not your first love?' Words that kept on echoing on his mind over and over again. As if a radio was kept on repeat, the only statements that he could hear from you. It won't disappear, no matter how hard he tries to forget about it.

That day when he asked the young woman asked him that- he didn't gave a proper response. He changed the topic all too quick. It left you perplexed by his words but you tried to not think about it too much.

And so there he lay on your bed, with your figure still asleep beside him after staying awake during a night for a very long time. His mind still wondering about the same statement, a small guilt that lingers on his chest for dismissing your words too quick.

He just couldn't seem to forget about it.

An echo of a door bell, Hanma came back to his senses. He jolted out from the bed and swiftly made his way walking towards the entrance of your apartment room. His mind wondering- who the hell would ring the bell around this time? The bell rings once again.

Even so, he expected not much about the person who would come over. It's always you and him during the afternoons, "Wait a sec." Hanma yells softly and loud enough for the unwanted guest who was waiting patiently outside the corridor, hoping that he won't accidentally wake you up from your so called beauty sleep.

Another ring bells, it seems like they probably didn't heard anything what the young man yelled.

"Would you please-" Hanma opens the door, only to be greeted by a old lady around her late seventies with a soft gentle smile on their face. Who was this grandma he would ask? He doesn't know- she just randomly showed up.

The old lady takes a peek behind the young man, hoping to see someone she knows very well but to her disappointment, she couldn't see her.

"Is [name] around?" A frown slowly takes over her bright face. What a shame, she has something to give the young woman- it is precious for her.

Hanma swallows, he just couldn't leave the old lady alone to her dismay. And so, he opens the door wide enough for the old lady to enter. "She's still sleeping- Would you want to come in?"

"Oh my," She giggles- a hand covering half of her face. What a gentleman this man you were living with is, a rare gem during at these times. "Such a kindhearted soul. I will- but my time staying here is just quick."

She could still vividly remember it- When she would come and visit together with her daughter to your place just to keep you company from being lonely. She wouldn't want a child to be just on their own and have their big responsibilities at such a young age. She wants to let her live free, so she watches both of them like a loving mother would.

For a child like you to be abandoned by both of your parents and a cousin who decided to take you in but ended up moving away. Wasn't that too much for you to handle?

The grandmother sighs, her cold hands that gradually bathed the warmth of the hot tea prepared by the young man who was now sitting across her seat. It was no denying fact- she kept on seeing this man countless of time whilst trying to reach out for you. She assumed that the young lady had already moved on from the horrifying past.

"[name] found another company after staying in, I suppose." Her head slightly tilted to the side.

Staying in? Hanma was confused at her sayings with so many questions following by. Did you shut yourself inside this lone room before? No sunlight? No joy?

Only melancholy?

The young man did nothing but nod his head hesitantly- he doesn't know a thing about you, "Yes..."

Months had already passed by, he's aware- and yet he still doesn't understands you. While he lets out every single detail about him to you- isn't that unfair for the both of you? Even so, he doesn't questions it that much.

But talking with the old woman infront of him at this moment- he wants to know more of you.

The grandmother paused, rubbing a thumb on the rim of the mug. Reminiscing about the years where everything seems so innocent. "That child really is a troublemaker years before- playing all day, getting into few fights."

Hanma never felt this anticipated before. Was it because he was hearing about you?

"She don't want anyone to look down on her," The grandma continues, a small laugh that escaped while remembering the past. "High spirits and carefree. Her dreams was quite the many. At one point I heard she wants to become the boss of her own company- another was when they wanted to be a musician."

Seeing you prior to the date you've met Hanma- you look so lost. The old lady lets out a big sigh, "I wonder where all that aspirations went."

Where did it all go, [name]?

Lost of words Hanma is- never knew nor to expect that you'd be like this. He pressed his lips together, "You seem to know her so well..."

She laughs, waving her hand at the air repeatedly before letting it fall back down to the wooden table. "[name] frequently comes over to my house to hang out with my kid." She will not forget about it, your loud voice echoing- it even can be heard from their kitchen. And when her granddaughter hears her familiar voice, they would play all day.

"Both of them are inseparable from eachother and they're like my own children." Her smile slowly disappears, "... But remembering memories from years- only comes off as bittersweet."

Why? Why is it bittersweet? Hanma narrows his eyes, "...Did something happen?"

The old lady did not gave a direct answer- she was silent before taking a gulp. She smiles forcefully, "It's better for [name] to tell you about it- oh!" Hanma raises a brow, he eyes the old woman who was taking out a letter from the little purse she was holding onto. "I almost forgot the reason why I came here."

Sliding the neat letter to him- she says, "Please tell [name] that I found another letter from Eiko's room. That's all, Thank you for your time."

And with that the door shuts close. He was having a raging war with the complete absence of a sound- this letter is from who now? He tried to shrug it all off, making his way back to the room where you reside within.

The moment he takes a turn he saw your face but your eyes were avoiding his and it pains him. Why were giving that look? He bits on his lower lip before handing out the letter he has on hand, "Here's a letter for you..."

"I heard everything- let's go somewhere."

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