[2] Animal Control and Hot Drinks

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A/N : I might add proper titles to the chapters after posting because I'm very bad at coming up with them on the spot lol, sorry if that's an inconvenience!

y/f/c - your favorite colour


Later into the day a loud knock sounded at the door making Y/N jump slightly. They weren't used to the sound, nobody ever came over. They thought they did a pretty good job of laying low and avoiding people, why would someone come knocking?

At the sound of another, more persistent knock they let out a loud sigh and moved to the door, swinging it open and almost hitting themself in the face. "Yes?" They asked, eyes narrowing at the sight of the people.

"Hello, my name is Tommy and this-" The man gestured to the skinnier male beside him, "is Johnny, we're with animal control." He finished.

Y/N swallowed, looking at the all to familiar badge on each of their right breasts. "What do you need? I don't own any animals." They said, stuffing their hands in their pockets. Surely they couldn't be looking for-

"Have you seen a fox?"

Y/n shifted her feet uncomfortably. "No sir, why do you ask?" They asked, turning their gaze to meet the hazel one of Johnny who hadn't said a word. Y/N was pretty good at lying all things considered, though this particular situation made them nervous.

Tommy let out a scoff and shook his head. "Johnny there, he don't talk much." He said, Y/N turning to face him instead. "All I've ever heard him say was 'Johnny' and 'get me the damn sandwich!'" A booming laugh sounded from him as he recalled the memory, Y/N offering a small smile.

"Anyways, some guy was chasing after a fox and said he'd seen it run down that alley over there." He pointed to the opening Y/N had run through earlier and sighed. "Probably a dog, maybe even a cat. How would a fox survive in a city? People keep reporting one but they're probably just prank calls to hold us up, huh?"

Y/N nodded, feeling increasingly awkward as the guy kept speaking and Johnny just stared into their soul silently. "Uhm, right. Will that be all sir?" They finally asked.

Tommy paused for a quick moment before nodding, slapping a hand on Johnny's back, making the other animal control officer look rather annoyed. "Yep! Sorry for holding you up. You have a good day now and let us know if you see any scheming foxes." He said with a little chuckle before turning and walking back to his car.

Johnny let out a huff before following after, shaking his head slightly.

As they drove off Y/N sighed with relief, closing the door and walking over to the small couch in the room, plopping down. "That was eventful."


Y/N found themself walking down the street with their hands sitting in the pockets of a jacket they'd thrown on before leaving. It was y/f/c with three white(or black!) stripes on the forearm of the sleeves. Their hood was over their head but they heald their head high in confidence. If you walked confidently people might think you've got something to do and won't bother you.

They walked into a coffee shop, breathing in and letting out a pleased sigh at the smell. These shops always smelt lovely, especially with the heightened sense of smell.

They waited in line behind an expensive looking woman, a slightly larger man joining behind the two. Once the woman ordered and walked off with a smack of her entitled lips Y/N stepped forwards and offered a little smile. Their eyes looked over the board behind the employee at all the different coffee and tea options before placing an order for something relatively cheap. They gave the money to the person behind the counter and moved to sit at a table in the back. Y/N had considered the booth seat but opted out at the idea of taking up that amount of space and drawing attention to themself.

After what felt like half an hour Y/N's drink was called and they got up, walking over to the counter and nodding to the cashier. Turning to leave they were stopped by the same woman from earlier. "Where's my drink?" She questioned, her voice rather annoying.

The worker attempted to say something but the woman escalated things by raising her voice. Shaking their head Y/N tried to leave the situation but the woman grabbed onto her shoulder with her pale old hands. "Don't you move!" She hissed. "You shouldn't have that drink! I ordered first!" She shouted.

"Ma'am, their drink was made first because-"
"Don't you say anything!"

Y/N let out a loud groan and turned to look at the woman. "Get your hands off me." They spat. "You need to calm down, it's not their fault you ordered a coffee with fifteen customizations."

The woman dropped her jaw slightly in shock, what did she not expect them to talk back? "You don't get to-"

"No, you don't get to sit here causing a scene for a damned coffee!" Y/N shouted, taking a step towards the woman. Quickly they realized what they were doing and stepped back, letting out a quick breath.

Keep your instincts down! The last thing you need is to shift here. They scolded themself. Once again Y/N turned to leave, this time making a few steps before another shout sounded from her.

"You shouldn't speak to me like that. It's rude." She grumbled, trying to get the last word in without them hearing. "Can you just shut up? People are trying to enjoy their day with a drink, you're spoiling it."

The next thing they knew a stinging pain spread over their cheek, a red hue filling the space. The woman let out a triumphant "hmph" as she lowered her hand, Y/N raising their's to the area the woman had just struck.

Y/N's eyes went distant for a moment, their breathing growing heavy. They clenched the styrofoam cup in their hand then, without a second thought, Y/N thew the steaming drink at the rich old lady.


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