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"Are-Are you sure this is your role?" Prasiddhi's voice began to crack.

Amethyst nodded. "It is."

"But... if you are on the evil team, wouldn't that mean we'd have to vote you out if we want to escape?" Her knuckles grew white. "I-I don't want to lose you."

The other froze, staring at Prasiddhi with unease. Ze patted her on the back and whispered in a comforting voice. "Don't be silly. I'm not going to leave you here all alone. I'm sure there's a way."

She lifted her head up and locked eye contact with her lover.

"Of course, I'd never lie to you." Ze chirped with a beam.

Prasiddhi reached for her own journal and slid her card to Amethyst. Ze picked it up and mumbled the words on it quietly to hirself. As ze read it, Prasiddhi still sensed her body shivering. She shook her head, endeavoring to shake off any feelings of dread. The one with purple streaks flipped hir book open and put the strip of paper between two pages before handing it to Prasiddhi.

A loud shriek rang through the halls, making both of them flinch. The faint sound of something brushing against the carpeted floors made Prasiddhi even more alert. Amethyst clung to her arm and buried hir face in her chest. The sound grew even louder. Her muscles tensed, prepared to flee with her beloved. Suddenly, the noise had completed ceased. Prasiddhi's wide eyes averted to the bottom of the door that barley displayed what was outside because of the gap. A pair of black and white shoes was two inches away from the door. The hatch was opened and the room was illuminated by a flashlight. Prasiddhi finally released the scream they held back and kicked the person in the shin.

"Ow! What the heck was that for?!" Now that there was some light, Prasiddhi was able to tell that the person adjacent to them was Elizabeth.

She looked at her feet. "Ah, sorry, I just thought that you were going to ambush us."

"Oh... Anyway, I decided to come here to hide. The lights went out a few moments ago, and Alex is already screaming his heart out." The girl in the vivid sweater explained.

Amethyst stood up and gently shoved Elizabeth to the side to exit the enclosed space. "Well, considering that you just yelled, we should go somewhere else. They probably know we're here now."

"Hey, it's not my fault. I didn't know you guys were in here." She pouted. "Okay, how about we head to the bedroom. We could hide under the bed."

Elizabeth gives them a long, disappointed stare. She crossed her arms and acknowledged. "That's a terrible place to hide! If the murderer finds us, we have no chance of escaping."

"Says the person who thought hiding in the closet was a good idea. You also have no place to run if the killer finds you." Ze retorted.

The chesnut haired girl pointed out. "Didn't you hide in the closet?"

"We were having a private conservation!" Amethyst roared.

"Stop the dispute. You are only attracting more attention." Prasiddhi firmly gripped both of their hands and dragged them to the entrance of the attic. "We could stay here for the time being. It's likely that there's a plethora of weapons that we could use for self defense if dangers comes in there."

"Does Jean-Claude have a katana up there or something?" Said Elizabeth as she made a perplexed expression.

Prasiddhi splayed her fingers over her face. "That's... not what I meant."

She fiddled with the mildly rusty handle attached to the ceiling to open the hatch above. The barrier fell down, revealing a staircase that lead to a different room. Prasiddhi stepped aside to let the other two enter first. As Amethyst steps foot into the pitch black area, ze breathed in a cloud of dust and roughly coughed. Elizabeth stood behind them and waved her flashlight around. The ray of light illuminated a box in the corner labeled 'DON'T OPEN >:('. The one garbed in ebony lifted the door and locked it so no one could enter. There was a lack of footprints at where they dwelled, for the floor only had a thick coat of dust.

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