| Technoblade |

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Hello Readers!
Warnings: Blood, kidnaping, yandere behavior


A small grunt comes from the hybrid as he brings the hoe up and places it on his shoulder. Technoblade is a bit of a potato farmer. 

He sends a few hours in the farm at least three times a week. The potato farm isn't his main priority, you are. Techno has to make sure you don't leave Pogtopia. It's too dangerous outside with Manberg out there, plus everything else. 

You could say he's paranoid.

He can't have someone harming you nor even looking at you. People don't deserve to be in your presents. Your a gift to the world. You were a gift from the gods and Techno is whom your supposed to be with. That's how he sees it. 

You don't see it that way. Your suck inside all the time as Techno won't let you outside, there's multiple times where you will ask and you have considered sneaking out. But you'll have to wait for the chance if you do try to sneak out. You haven't tried yet.

You give a small huff as you lean against the stone wall, you open your mouth to speak but before the first word leaves your mouth Technoblade interrupts you. 

"No. We've been over this, [Y/n]." The hybrid says, his back turned as he continues with the potato farm. He'll stick to his words and has been for months. 

"C'mon! Please, just once?" You ask and Technoblade shakes his head.

"A no is a no [Y/n]." 

You huff and walk off, not wanting to be near him at the moment. It can get frustrating, you haven't been outside in months. You've been living in the ravine known as Pogtopia in which is abandoned, it's only you and Technoblade now. 

Your not to sure what happened to Tommy and Wilbur and you've asked Techno, he always claims not to know and you believe him. He made a small guess that Schlatt found them and he can't do anything to help.

You walk down the ravine quietly with your arms crossed over your chest, it's not fair. Why does he get to go outside and you can't? He says it's to dangerous for you but you think otherwise and always will. You can defend and fend for yourself, you was in the first war after all. 

Where Dream tried taking L'Manburg's land and Wilbur not giving, it lead to war which you were happy to help. It was your nation after all. You were exiled along with Tommy and Wilbur, you were glad you were. You didn't want to be apart of Manberg if someone like Schlatt was in charge.

You lift your head and give a small look around, your [E/c] gaze flickering around for a moment before a smile places itself on your face. You break out into a small little jog to the staircase and you start climbing. 

Once at the top your careful before stepping a foot outside for the first time in months. The wing blows your hair slightly and you give a breathy exhale of relief.

You start walking, a pep in your step as you walk. The area around is covered in forests which is fine in your opinion. As long as you don't run into any one from Manberg you'll be fine. You are still wanted like Wilbur and Tommy were, it's still sad they aren't around anymore. 

The farther you walked the more and more Pogtopia became distant. The place now a blur to your mind as you found yourself getting lost in the forest in wonder, never wanting to go back inside. 

Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours as you walked and walked, ending up stopping and sitting at the trunk of a tall tree. Pretty pink blossoms blooming on the tree, a few of the pink petals on the ground. 

It's so great to be outside, it's absolutely wonderful. 

A small huff comes from the male as he places his hoe where it belongs, his tending's to the potato farm done for the next few days. He raises an arm and wipes his forehead of the gathering sweat from all the moving and heat the event brought. He's not to warm but things would be a bit worse if he had his cape on. he didn't want to get it dirty while tending to the potato farm. 

Techno steps out of the room where the potato farm is placed and grabs his cape, pulling it over his head and putting it on place draped around his shoulders. 

The hybrid gives a small sigh, he's been thinking. Maybe, just once he can let you go outside. He'll have to be with you though, it's to dangerous for you to be alone. Plus he can't just let you leave Pogtopia or let Schlatt manipulate you to go against him. 

"[Y/n]!" The hybrid calls out but odd enough there no answer, you'll usually call out back before running to him. The lack of that causes the man confusion. 

"[Y/n]?" The male says, slightly more hesitant. 

Once again, no answer. 

What's going on? Did you fall asleep or did something happen? Questions fill the hybrid's head and the voices get louder, chanting questions and suggesting things. One of Techno's pointed ears give a slight twitch as he stands and he stands still for a moment before doing anything. He leaves the ravine, Pogtopia. One thing on his mind. 

He's going to find you even if he has to kill every person he finds.

And that's what Techno does.

It's a bad day to be enjoying the outside, taking a walk, spending time outside as there's a man on a rampage, killing everyone he sees. You walked quite far so that doesn't help either. Only if you just stayed in Pogtopia. 

Speaking about you, you had fallen asleep in that very spot underneath the tall tree. You didn't quite mean to fall asleep but the walk was tiring. Very tiring for someone that hasn't walked that far or really even a mile for months. Your back pressed against the rough bark of the tree as your head it tilted down limply, soft snores escaping though your lips. 

It didn't take Techno much longer to finally find you. By the time he does find you his clothes are stained red which won't come out, too bad his white shirt is ruined. Once his eyes laid upon your sleeping formed he came to a small ease, from the voices and his own worries. 

The man places his hand on the bark of the tree as he kneels down, his weapon placed back where it belongs. He raises his arm and places his hand on your face, lifting your chin with his index finger. 

He gives a good stare, just inspecting your sleeping form. He closes his eyes and shakes his head slightly, his waist long bubblegum pink hair bobbles at the action. The loose braid swinging slightly before coming to a stop.

Techno removes his hand from you chin and your head drops from where it was being held. He slides an arm under your legs and the other places on your back, scooping you up from the ground. 

He stands up himself with you in his arms, his expression blank though he's glad he found you. He starts walking, your head leant against his torso as you continue to sleep.

"Your not ever leaving again."


I am so sorry for the wait! Motivation is just so hard to keep ahold of and I'm sorry. This is why I may not upload often but I'll try :[

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