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I am woken up by my alarm clock ringing in my desk.

I quickly get up and start getting ready, totally excited. Why am I so excited you ask?

Well, today is my first day at a summer job. So, I want to make a good image and because it is a new experience, so maybe it will be good.

After changing my clothes and brushing my hair, I take a last glance into my room. I look at the walls filed with posters from all themes. Series, music band and soccer related stuff. I take one last look at a photo sitting by my desk, in that photo, it's a younger me, when I was around 8, alongside a blonde girl with blue eyes, both of us wearing soccer uniforms. It was from a football practice at school. I was part of the kid's team, and this was my best friend at the time. Her name was Zoey. We were good friends, but this photo was the last moment we had together. A few days after she moved away. She still sends me letter alongside with a few gifts, like some poster, postcards and DVDs with movies and series that are popular in the big city. But we never saw each other faces again. And I still miss her.

I take a deep breath before saying.

Y/N: "Starting fresh..."

I place the photo back into my desk and run downstairs to eat some breakfast.

When I get downstairs, I am greeted with the usual cheerful and friendly tone of my parents.

Mom: "Good morning sweety!"

Y/N: "Hey mom. Hey dad."

Dad: "Morning champ. What's with the rush?"

Y/N: "Today's the day my summer job starts!"

Mom: "Oh right! It was today. I can tell you're excited."

Dad: "You sure you don't want to work here during summer? It's a job to die for!" My dad jokes.

Y/N: "No, I'm good. I'll just leave it to the professionals. Also, I think I needed some time away from home..."

My dad chuckles in response, when I refer to him as the professionals.

Robbie: "Hope you screw up really bad and come back crying." I hear a familiar voice entering the conversation.

I look to the table seeing my twin brother, also eating by the table. As a normal teenager, he normally stays up during the night and wakes up late. But I'm guessing he woke u early to mock me, which by this point, it's completely normal.

Y/N: "Hmph..." I all I reply. I didn't want his snarky remarks and comments to ruin my good mood.

I grab a slice of toast and quickly eat it, before running out the door.

Y/N: "Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye Robbie!"

Mom: "Don't speak with your mouth full young man! Also, good luck!"

Dad: "Bye Y/N! Good luck on your first day!"

Robbie: "Try not to die there, little brother!"

I quickly run out of the house and start making my way towards the job location. A tourist trap called the Mystery Shack.

As I walk by the town, while looking for the address, I see a few familiar faces around town, like Sheriff Blubs and his partner Deputy Durland.

They spot me and wave their hands.

Blubs: "Good morning Y/N. Up early today."

Y/N: "Good morning Sheriff. Yes, today is my first day at a summer job, so..."

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