Dream followed me?!?!

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Toxic POV:
Dream  added me on Instagram how the  does he know who I am! should I add him back or not add him back Idk I'm gonna call Niki.
*Toxic calls niki*
T: Idk if I should follow him back or not.
N: you should.
T: but I feel like that would be weird so I'm just going to stream.
N: ok bye toxic!
T:bye Niki!
*Toxic and Niki hang up*
I'm gonna start the stream.
T:"Hey chat how are we doing today!"
C:*lots of goods and better now that your streaming"
T:"today I'm just going to be chatting with you guys."
C:*a lot of yays*
I have been streaming and talking to chat for almost an hour then..... I had saw a chat that I never thought I would have seen. it. Was. Dream.
D:"I followed you on Instagram you never followed me back :(."
I had tried to ignore his comment because i have never had a good experience with guys before but...... chat had noticed and were spamming dream is here and a bunch of ships. I didn't know what to do I was now just kind of sitting there frozen in place. I ended the stream and began to freak out what happens if he thinks I ended stream because of him. I mean I kinda did. I don't know what to do. I messed up why didn't I just say hi.
Dream POV:
Why did I say anything I should have just watched and not said anything. Now she probably thinks I'm weird I mean she ended her stream. I'm just going to go down stair and chill with sapnap.
Dream goes down stairs and is hanging out with sapnap then sapnap notices that dream seems a bit off tonight.
Back to dream:
S: "what's up dude?"
D: "what do you mean?"
S: "you seem upset or something."
D: "no I'm fine."
S: "mhm I'm not believing that."
D: "ok fine don't believe me!"
S:"wow ok I'll just leave it alone then!"
D: "I'm sorry. it's just that there's this girl and I think she's really cool but I scared her off."
S:"oh I'm sure you didn't scare her off she's probably just in shock."
D: "yeah your probably right I'm gonna go to bed now goodnight."
S:"goodnight man"
Toxic POV
I don't know if I should follow him back or not. I feel really bad for freaking out then ending stream. I should shouldn't I? Then sapnap followed me and messaged me he said "hey I'm pretty sure your the girl that dream was talking about today. Sometimes I see him watching your streams. He was really upset today and I think it has to do with you I just wanted to make sure that I was right."
Sapnap message confirmed what I was thinking. I made him upset I ruined his whole day because I was to scared to reply to his comment on my stream.
I'm an idiot I have to make it up to him I now have to follow him back and explain why I ended the stream.
Dreams POV:
I just couldn't go to sleep I kept thinking about toxic she's been on my mind all day today. I'm just going to stream seeing that I can't sleep.
D:"hey chat how are you guys I can't sleep so I'm just deciding to stream."
C: "a bunch of heys and why can't you sleep?"
D: "Just to busy thinking about things."
C: "people saying oh ok And I'm sorry."
C: "it would be crazy if toxic was in chat to!"
T: "yeah that would be crazy;)"
My heart dropped toxic was in my chat. What should I say?
D: "oh hey person that hasn't followed me back on Instagram."
T: "hey I'm sorry I just didn't know if I should or not.
D: "well that's kinda what you do when someone follows you, you follow back."
T: "ok I'll follow you back right now:)."
D: "ok."
Notifications: itsnot.toxic has followed you back
I couldn't stop smiling at this She followed me back I don't know why I couldn't stop smiling we don't even know each other and I can't stop smiling. Then she messaged me.
T: hey sorry I didn't follow you back sooner I was just kinda surprised you knew who I was.

D:yeah I get that a lot.
D:I didn't mean it like that I just meant that a lot of
People are surprised that I know who they are.
D: I'm now just digging myself into a hole
T: no I totally know what you mean! Your
Just to cool to message me
D: that's totally not what I meant.
T: I'm kidding dream😂
T:anyways aren't you streaming?
D: yeah I'm streaming and texting you.
T: well I don't want to be a bother while
Your streaming so I'll text you later.       
D:your not a bother!
D: if you want to text later that ok With me.
T:yeah im getting ready to go to bed have a good stream goodnight text you tomorrow!
D: ok! Goodnight.
Wow she said text you tomorrow she probably didn't mean it but I think I can go to bed now that I know she's not ignoring me because she hates me.
D: "ok chat I think im gonna end stream for the night bye guys!"
C: "bye!"
Dream ended the stream and went to bed with a smile on his face. Toxic also went to bed with a smile on her face. They have no idea what their getting their selfs into.

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