Ryoumas shock

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Izumi just thought he had a cold but nope he has a child instead takahiros was negative A/N in this takahiro and saotome are dating Izumi had 1 million thoughts going though his mind knowing he has to tell ryouma right now Izumi put the test in to a shoe box and wrapped it he put it on the bed looking for ryouma around the house remembered he said he was gonna buy izumis favorite food (sushi) from his favorite place so Izumi waited for him to get home "babe I'm home" ryouma said opening the door with the sushi in a box in his hand while he walked to the bedroom and handed it to Izumi "I'd recommend not eating it in bed it gets crummy" ryouma said while giggling Izumi said right after that "wait before I eat I have something to give you" ryouma thought it was a new pair of shoes after ripping off the wrapping paper "wait when did he already get the chance to buy me shoes he was at home ?hanging out with takahiro" ryouma thought he opened the box seeing the test it took him a few seconds he hugged Izumi happy crying he was so happy he couldn't put it into words takahiro stood there "so like- can I leave?" he said  intrupetting the sweet moment izumi and ryouma  gave takahiro the stink eye They had to tell the rest of the family besides shogo R.I.P. him so they got ready to tell them
And there urs cliff hanger I probably won't update for like 5 years because I forget half the time and some info the next fanfic i make will most likely be catradora or something more popular

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