1. Kooks and Pogues

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"Good morning Topper." Cassie smirked as her cousin jumped, spinning around to face her in the kitchen with his eyebrows nearly hidden in his hairline.

"Cassie you're- what are you doing?"

"I'm going for a walk." She bent over to pull on her shoes. "Are you out today?"

"I- uh, yeah, I'm heading over to the Camerons. You're going for a walk?"

She straightened back up and nodded. "Yup', I've been here for nearly half a year and don't know the island at all, figured I might as well have a look around."

Topper still looked confused but nodded along anyway, slowly going back to cutting up fruit.

"You don't want a tour guide or anything...?"

"I'm good, Top. See you later."

As soon as she left the front door, a tidal wave of anxiety hit Cassie, stealing the air from her lungs momentarily and turning her knees to liquid. She shut her eyes tightly and forced herself to focus on her breathing; in, out, in, out, in-

"Hey, Casseopia, isn't it?"

Her eyes snapped open immediately and she fought to keep an embarrassed blush from rising on her cheeks.

The person who'd addressed her was a teenage boy - the same boy who winked at her from his car a month ago when he'd caught her watching through the window.

"Hi, yeah that's me. Call me Cassie though." She smiled awkwardly.

Ever since she was a kid Cassie had found making friends easy, starting conversation with anyone never bothered her. But now, standing face to face with someone her own age after months of being locked away in her room, Cassie found herself feeling socially constipated.

"Cassie. It's so great to finally meet you, Topper's talked about you." He sniffed. "I'm Rafe Cameron. My dad's Ward Cameron, you might've heard of him, he's kind of a big deal on the island."

"Right, yeah, the Camerons. I know about y'all." Cassie lied, forcing a smile that she thought probably looked more like a grimace. The answer seemed to satisfy Rafe though, who smiled and stood a little taller.

"That's so great to hear. I've got some things to take care of with your aunt, but I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see you." Rafe reached out and squeezed her shoulder as he passed her, and Cassie fought the urge to shrink away from the first human contact she'd had in months.

As she continued down the driveway though, she realised - odd as he may have been, Rafe had distracted her from her anxiety, and she felt calm.

Cassie walked and walked, not really knowing where she was going but trying to memorise everything she saw. The island was beautiful, that was true, but she couldn't help getting whiplash when she'd turn the corner of a street lined with neat and well kept houses onto a block of what could only be described as shacks; she didn't understand how the two polar opposites could co-exist so closely.

She also picked up on a general feeling of urgency around all parts of the island, due to the fact that everyone was storm-prepping in advance for hurricane Agatha, which she knew was set to hit the island in a week. People were laying sandbags, boarding up windows, bringing in stock from where it sat outside or hung on display - some were even sweeping outside their shops to collect up the harsher pieces of trash that might do damage when caught up in high speed winds.

Most places, Cassie noted, had multiple people working to prep the place, all chatting and laughing as they lugged around boxes and bags, but one place caught her eye, where a man worked alone, his dark forehead shiny with sweat. Before she knew what she was doing, her legs had taken her over to stand near him. She stood watching for a moment before he noticed her and straightened up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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