I could see how upset John B looked. I wondered if the others knew about the kiss but I'm sure they did because of JJ's whole tantrum.

"What are you talking about?" I kept my fingers wrapped around JJ, learning that I didn't care if they saw. We were just friends, close friends.

"This." She motioned her arms towards us.

"I have absolutely nothing to tell you." JJ mutters with a little attitude in his voice.

"Can we not sit together?" I looked up to JJ's expression and laughed.

"Sit together-yes. Cuddle, hold hands and sleep together- maybe if you were dating?"

"Woah, us dating?" JJ let out a soft laugh.

"No pogue on pogue macking. Remember?" I laid back in the chair.

"I thought you were against the rules." John B added in, his facial expression was not good.

"Yeah, I'm a bit of a rule breaker if you couldn't tell." I motioned towards the joints on the table. "But, no. JJ and I are not dating. Just friends."

"Yeah, no homo." JJ added.

I heard another crack of thunder and the house was shaky. I turned around to look outside and smash faces with JJ.

"Ouch! That hurt."

"Maybe if your head wasn't so big, it wouldn't have happened." JJ's hand left mine and he got up off the chair.


"Man, if my words hurt you, wait until you-"

"Don't even finish that sentence." I held up my hand.

"You know you want me." He holds up his arms, showing off his muscle.

"I've had enough JJ Maybank for the night. I think it's time to go to bed."

"Goodnight." Kie smiles at me, her feet up on the table looking outside with Pope.

"Night." Pope waves.

John B sits silently, just giving me a nod.

"Goodnight, cupcake. I'll see you later." He winks at me, grabbing my back.

"No, you will in fact not. Stay out of my room."

"Your room? Okay." He lets go of me as I walk into the back room.

John B had given me the back room a few months back when I came over to his house late at night. Back before his dad went missing.

I walked in the pouring rain, shivering as I walked up to his front porch. The light was off, it was no use. I knocked anyways, trying not to freeze to death. The light turned on and I saw him in the doorway.

"Rachel? What are you doing out here? Get inside." He had a concerned look on his face.

"I'm sorry to just spring this on you. I don't have anywhere to go."

"What's wrong?" He looked me up and down while searching for a towel to dry me off.

"My mom."

"Are you okay?"

"I will be. Can I stay for the night? I promise I'll be gone by morning."

"No problem. Of course. I can take you to school, don't worry about it."

"Thank you."

"Feel free to take the back room. It can be your place to stay when you're here. You're free to take a shower and clean up."  His fingers ran over my face, seeing the cuts and scratches.

"Thank you, John B."

"Anything for you."

I hadn't told anyone about my mom. I knew John B probably assumed after that night but he never talked about it again, and no one else knew. Not even JJ.

I slipped out of my clothes and into a t-shirt that I found laying on the ground. I couldn't see with the darkness but I soon realized that it wasn't mine. I climbed into bed, pulling the covers over me. I breathe in deeply and I could tell whose shirt it was almost immediately. JJ.


I was drifting to sleep when I heard the door creak open, letting in light. It shined right in my face.

"There's no way it's already morning. 5 more minutes." I groaned, moving deeper into the sheets.

"It's not morning, sweetheart." His voice echoed off the walls.

"You can't seem to stay away, Maybank."

"Pope and Kie took the couch and John B is in bed. Just me by myself."

"Aw, are you lonely?"

"Yeah." He made a pouty face, shutting the door.

"Come here, you big baby."

He belly flops onto the bed, landing right next to me.

"You're lucky you landed on the side and not on me."

"You would've been drooling."

"I don't drool."

"Tell that to your pillow." He points to the spot on my pillow.

"Must've been a good dream I was having."

"Ah yes, I assume I was in it."

"Maybe. I don't remember since you woke me up."

"Are you wearing my shirt?"

"It was on my floor."

"Probably from when we hooked up the other night."

"Now that was definitely a dream." I laugh as he gets under the covers.

"You wish it wasn't."

"Can we stop playing for once? I can't take it."

"I know you can't."

"JJ, seriously."

He gets under the covers and moves himself closer to me. I felt his body heat on my skin as he pulled me into him.

"Clingy much?"

"A bit." He nuzzled his head into my shoulder, snuffing like a dog.

I let out a squeal, and he laughs in my ear. He pulls out and looks into my eyes. I bring my hand to his cheek, tracing my fingers over it. His eyes close and he slowly sinks into the pillow next to me.

"You know how to make a boy go crazy."

"You should let me scratch your back."

His eyes open wide, one of his eyebrows arching.

"Don't." I put my finger to his lips before anything could escape them.

He sighs, still keeping his eyes on me.

"I want to sleep now." I say.

He lays back and motions for me to move closer to him. I pull my body next to his, laying my head on his bare chest. I could feel his heart beating, almost as loud as the thunder and wind from outside. I placed my arm over him to pull him closer to me.

"I don't think I'm gonna get any closer." He whispers.

"Shhhh, sleepy time."

"Alright, cupcake."

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now