"Tell me about your world."

"Anything specific?"

"What do you do there?"

"I have a job designing homes."

"Do you enjoy it?"

"I love it."

"What else?"

"Well, I... I love hanging out with my friends and my family. Although, that's a bit difficult, because I have to fly home to visit them."

He looked at me, brows furrowed and fully confused. "Fly?"

"On an airplane. Like a ship, but for the sky and way more technologically advanced."


"Yeah. I also love reading and going to movies."


"There's a thing called a movie theater, and they have at least twenty rooms in them all showing... um well... I'm not really sure how to describe it, honestly. There's massive screens and pictures that move play in them for a couple hours. There's popcorn and drinks and candy. It's a good way to spend a Saturday."

"Do you have a favorite?"

I grinned. "I have lots of favorites. Of all time, it might be Pirates of the Caribbean. The first one though. The second one is pretty good, too, but the first one is amazing. I struggle with picking one single Disney movie, the animated ones, because there's so many. Don't even get me started on Marvel movies."

"It sounds incredible."

"It is. It's..."

"You miss it."

"Yeah, I do. Of course I do. I miss everything about my life. I probably even miss the parts I can't remember."

"We'll find a way to get you back. I promise."

"Thank you. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your help. I'm surprised you even believed me, to be honest, so thank you for that, too."

"I think I wanted to believe you."

"Why's that?"

"It means that there's more. More than this life. More than responsibility and obligations–"

"More than arranged marriages?"

He was hesitant, but eventually nodded. "I don't want to be married."

"Have you told Karina?"

"No. I can barely admit it to myself."

"Truthfully, I think she already knows. Or at least suspects."


"She's doing everything she can think of to engage you in conversation, to get you to want her the way that she wants you."

"She wants me?"

"Badly. She's completely head over heels in love with you. Why else would she try so hard to scare me off?"

"She did what?"

The way his eyes burned, I kind of worried I shouldn't have told him. No reason to cause more problems for him, but it might be a little too late for that. "It's really not that big of a deal. Obviously, it didn't work."

"Why would she even try?"

"Like I said, she's in love with you Grant. She probably thinks I'm here to steal you from her or something."

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