Pt 2

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"the devil is real, and he isn't a little red man with horns. He can be beautiful"

Patrick never went to school he didn't see the point in it. When he did go it was only for Henry. Henry (though he didn't like to admit it) wanted a good life for himself and Patrick wanted to have a part in that.

Patrick was bi. everyone knew. after he had come out (nonchalantly) Henry had stopped bullying people for being gay. Patrick was confused about it but didn't mind.

Patrick wasnt really ever into the people he dated. he only had one person on his eye.Henry. Patrick knew he probably wouldn't ever reciprocate but he didn't care (when has Patrick ever cared about someone's feelings)
he just knew what he wanted and that he wanted it he didn't care how much work it took so he could have it. Patrick would do anything for Henry

Henry didnt know this (of course). Henry wanted to settle down with a nice woman get a good job maybe some meds and be normal. That's the one thing Patrick hated about Henry he wanted to be normal. Patrick hated the word nothing in his life was normal. why should he be?

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