0. Casseopia

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Casseopia Lovejoy was an orphan.

She hadn’t been one for long - a month and a half, roughly - but already she felt the weight of it as an outstanding factor in who she was, as if it were branded like an insignia on her forehead. 

The branding idea seemed easier, at least people might let her skip lines or eat for free if the first thing they learnt about her was that both her parents were dead. Then again, she was already sick of the pitying looks and gentle tones everyone seemed to reserve for her now, and she wasn't sure she could handle that tenfold. 

Cassie tried to look on the bright side though; like how she was now going to live with her rich-as-fuck aunt and cousin in North Carolina, or what she liked to call, the underboob of America (for reasons she would not disclose).

Admittedly it felt like a downgrade, considering she’d lived in the Bahamas with her parents, however her new room at her aunts was the size of her old kitchen, so she could hardly complain.

The heat of the day hit Cassie as soon as she stepped out onto the pavement from the plane; a thin sheen of sweat gathering at her hairline almost immediately. 

“Jeez.” She muttered, adjusting her tank top and then her shorts so they looked less wrinkled after the journey. “The Outer Banks, ‘paradise on earth’.”

A month passed, then two, then three; Cassie spent them all hidden away in her room, accepting food only when it was left outside her door and ignoring the voices of her aunt and her cousin trying to coax her out - shit, they could have more patience, she was grieving for fuck sake.

In the fourth month, Cassie watched a car pull up in the driveway, dropping off one of the prettiest girls she’d ever seen and driven by a boy perhaps a little older than her, who caught her eye and winked.

A week into the fifth month, July, and a week before storm Agatha was set to hit, she woke up, eyes still stinging from unshed salt and lips bitten raw, and stared at herself in the mirror facing her bed.

“It’s time to cheer the fuck up.”

(A/N): hi hello im so sorry this part is so short lol its basically just an intro to set the story off, I promise the rest of the chapters will be written properly and much longer :) hope u enjoy <3

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