Chapter Nine ~ ANNABETH

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• Chapter Nine •


Annabeth couldn't believe how stupid Percy was acting. She thought he could read her like a book. She knew she could read him. She knew she knew him as well as his parents. But he didn't know her. Not as well as she thought.

She loved him. She loved that guy more than anybody in her whole life, even her dad. It was obvious though that he didn't return her love.

However, Annabeth was still determined to reach the Doors. If she couldn't save their relationship, she could save Percy. That mattered to her, even now.

She followed Percy down the tunnel. He clearly had no idea where they were going. Logically, if you judged by the technical capacity of how long each tunnel measured to and how long it took to go down it, you should turn left every thirty metres. But Silena had warned Annabeth against thinking logically, and had said Percy should take the lead.

That still made no sense to Annabeth. It was just idiocy. She loved Percy, and sometimes he had bright moments. But unless he was at sea, that boy couldn't find anything in any direction. Once, when Annabeth had been helping one of her siblings with a quest they were going on, they had all been looking at a map. Percy overheard Annabeth talking about Australia, and pointed at China instead.

"Do you know where you're going?" she asked as coldly as she could. But she feared it came out more sympathetically.

Percy turned round. "Um... no. I would let you take the lead, but..."

Annabeth nodded. "Keep going."

He hesitated. "I'm sorry, Annabeth. I'm really, really sorry."

He sounded like he meant it. As stubborn as she was, Annabeth couldn't help her heart melting. She held out her arms. Percy grinned and opened his, too. They ran into each other.

"I'm sorry," he repeated, running his fingers through her hair. He smelt like the sea, salty fresh.

Annabeth heard a noise. A familiar noise.

"Percy, is that..."

"Water," he said, pulling away and turning round. "How -"

"Gods knows," Annabeth muttered. "But it's there." She let out a little laugh.

"Let's go get clean!" Percy yelled with joy. Then, he scooped Annabeth into his arms, bridal-style.

"Percy!" Annabeth shrieked. "Percy, put me down!"

Her laughter increased. "Perrrrcy!"

He joined in laughing. "Hold still, Wise Girl. We're jumping!"

It dawned on Annabeth what he meant. "Percy, no!"

They ran - well, Percy carried and Annabeth laughed - down the tunnel. They entered a huge dark cavern. A waterfall broke into view, clear blue water trickling down moss-covered rocks. It seemed out-of-place, like it shouldn't be there, but Annabeth didn't care. She wanted to get clean. She knew it had been days since she'd fallen into the pits. Plus, she had her broken ankle. Maybe the water could help.

Percy moved his arms so she was resting more comfortably. "Ready?" he asked, with a cheeky grin.

"Percy Jackson, I swear to the gods -"


"Percy, I -"


"Don't you dare -"

Percabeth (completed): Book 1 - Percy Jackson FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu