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"Mr. Rengoku!" you gasp, immediately rising to your feet and bowing. "I am Miss l/n, Senjuro's teacher!"

Shinjuro Rengoku stares at you dully.

"I'm here to discuss the art contest," you begin, reaching into your satchel. "Senjuro expressed interest in participating the other day, so I'm here to-"

"I don't want Senjuro wasting his time," Shinjuro snaps, stepping inside the house. He leaves the front door wide open. "The boy has better things to be doing."

You pause and take a deep breath. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Kyojuro standing with his arms at his side.

Having him there gives you the slightest bit of confidence.

"Mr. Rengoku," you start again. "I must insist. Senjuro is an incredibly talented young boy. His artwork impresses me every single day, and I truly believe that he deserves to have his work recognized-"

Shinjuro gives a harsh, loud laugh as he walks further into the house.

Without even thinking, you follow him, no regard to the rudeness of your actions.

"Please, Mr. Rengoku, I implore you to reconsider letting Senjuro enter the contest. I believe that it will do wonders for his self esteem, and-"

"You don't get it, do you Miss l/n?" Shinjuro grumbles, opening the door to a separate room.

He turns around to see you, mere inches away from your face.

"My son is worthless," he snarls. "He is not talented, he is not capable of doing anything remarkable. If he enters that contest, he will fail, and he will not be wasting his time. End of discussion."

He whips around and with one firm movement, the door is slammed shut.

Your heart pounds in your chest and you hear your blood rushing in your ears.

The words your own father said to you years before echo in your mind.




"I'm so sorry, Miss l/n," Kyojuro says from beside you. "My father has quite the tem-"

You set your jaw in place and grab the door, throwing it open with the most force you've used in quite some time.

"Mr Rengoku!" you yell, stepping into the room with your fists clenched. "You could not be more wrong!"

Shinjuro whips his head around, a flask of beer now in his hand.

"Senjuro is a kind and hardworking boy!" you continue to shout. "He has been a pleasure to teach, and any parent would believe he's a pleasure to have as a son! I am appalled at your behavior!"

"What is this?" Shinjuro growls. "Get out of my house! Get off of my property!" 

"No father should treat a child the way that you have treated your own! Your words are cruel and your actions are heartless!"

Your voice trembles as you continue to confront Senjuro's father.

You can't help but feel as though you're speaking to your own father, standing up for yourself for the first time in ages.

"Senjuro is a remarkable boy, and you should be proud to have such a son!"

"I said-" Shinjuro turns and throws the flask at your head. "Get the hell out!"

You quickly move to the side, the flask barely grazing your hair as it flies past.

With this, you scowl at Shinjuro and turn away.

"Good day, Mr. Rengoku!" you reply, your voice dripping with venom.

You walk down the hallway, pushing past Kyojuro as your eyes fill with hot tears.

Things had gotten a bit out of hand, but you're not ashamed.

You would take a thousand flasks to the face if it meant standing up for a child. 

"Miss l/n, wait!"

You sit down on the porch and slip your sandals back on, trying to ignore Kyojuro, but you then feel a warm hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry for the way my father acted," he apologizes. "He's had quite the temper since he began drinking. Please-"

You turn to Kyojuro, eyes wide.

"Allow me to take you to an early dinner," Kyojuro finishes, smiling warmly. "We can talk more about Senjuro, and I promise I won't shout at you."

You stare at Kyojuro for a couple of seconds, trying to analyze his facial expression.

He appears to be genuine.

"Alright," you finally answer, your voice soft and slightly shaking.

Kyojuro smiles at you reassuringly and holds out his hand.

You accept the hand and he effortlessly pulls you to your feet.

"Right!" he calls. "Allow me to gather a couple of things and we'll head off."

Taisho Era Secret!

I heard the author has an alcoholic father of their own. Perhaps y/n is closer to them in more ways than realized...

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