Chapter 5

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You suddenly awake to the sound of chattering.

"Oh good, you're awake."

You look up to see Mafuyu looking down at you with his beautiful tan eyes. You finally come to your senses and remember what had happened at the park. 

"Where am I?" you ask.

"You are in my house. I brought you home when you fell asleep in my arms. You have been asleep for several hours." he answered.

Your stomach is jumbled. You don't know what to think. Mafuyu had chased after you once you ran from the studio, and carried you all the way to his house. You are still embarrassed about what you did in the studio, but can't help feeling a little happy. No one had ever done anything this kind for you before. 

"Dinner is ready." a voice called from downstairs.

"Oh that is my mom, she said you can eat dinner with us today." Mafuyu explained.

You nervously follow Mafuyu down the stairs and find his whole family watching you. 

"So you are (l/n). Nice to meet you. I am Mafuyu's mother. You can come have a seat at the table. Eat as much as you like." she said.

You thank them all very much and eat until you are full. The meal was delicious. Your parents rarely ever cook since they are so busy, so eating a homemade meal was just what you needed. 

"Well I should probably get home to my family, i'm sure they are worried sick about me." you say once all the dishes are cleared.

You thank everyone again, and Mafuyu agrees to take you home. 

"Thank you so much Mafuyu for taking care of me like this. I am so grateful. I am sorry for running off earlier, I just got nervous." you say to Mafuyu.

"Don't even worry about it." he reply's with a smile. "I am just glad you are here and okay. We should not have put so much pressure on you so soon. I hope you will forgive all of us as well." he continues.

"Of course I forgive you. I hope you will still allow me to hang out with you guys, but maybe it is too early to talk about joining the band." you say with a laugh.

He nods. Someone finally understands. You and Mafuyu walk until you arrive at your house. You thank him again, and you go into your house.

"Gosh! Where have you been (y/n). We have been so worried about you." your mother exclaims once you walk into the house. "You have not been answering your phone."

"Sorry mom." you say. You proceed to explain everything that happened.

"You cannot hang out with them anymore." your mom says.
"WHAT" you exclaim! "What do you mean? They are my only friends I have ever had." you tell her.

"They are going to be too much of a distraction. We did not move all they way out here just for you to join some random band. I hope to never see you with any of them again."

Fists clenched, you storm up to your room and slam the door. You collapse against the wall. Your room is not yet unpacked, so you don't have anywhere comfortable to lay. You start to cry. So much has happened today. Your mind can't wrap your head around it all. You slowly start to black out. Before you know it, you are fast alseep.

Mafuyu x Reader- Healing a Broken HeartWhere stories live. Discover now