Apology Accepted

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Frank sat in a table filled with freshmen for the remaining of lunch; he didn't talk to anyone of the many freshmen and he barely looked at them; his eyes went from his barely defrosted lasagna he was eating to the table in which Gerard was sitting in, Frank scowled when a girl kissed Gerard on the cheek and sat next to him.

Frank didn't know why he felt angry toward Gerard; it wasn't like they were friends or anything. He shrugged off any bitter thoughts and feelings, then took another bite of lasagna.

The bell soon rang and Frank exited the cafeteria without another word. He went on with his classes normally.

As Frank made his way to his last period of his day, English Literature. He remembered Gerard telling him that he was in that class as well, Frank fidgeted with his fingers.

He made his way to the class with his gaze down most of the time, barely looking up. When he entered the class, he saw Gerard sitting in the back, who was looking straight at him.

"Frank," Gerard yelled, "Sit with me!"

Frank made his way to the back of the class and sat next to Gerard.

"Hey, how do you like the school so far?" Gerard asked, to which Frank just shrugged in response.

"Yeah, you'll get used to it," he said, "Oh and I just wanted to say sorry."

"For what?" Frank asked, barely looking at him.

"The lunch...incident," he said, "It was a pretty shitty thing to do."

"You're sorry for apologizing?" asked Frank, "Besides it's not like we're friends or anything."

Gerard grinned, then frowned slightly, "I still feel bad..."

"Apology accepted-"

"Now, settle down class...Mr. Iero, where are you?" the English Literature professor, Mr. Smith asked.

Frank raised his hand slightly.

"Ah, well. How do you like the school, young man?" the man in his mid-40's asked.

"It's okay..." Frank responded, to which a few students sniggered with laughter.

As Mr.Smith began with the lectures, Gerard ripped a piece of paper and wrote down a few words, he then passed it to Frank.

'They laugh because they want you in their beds.' it read, Frank grinned, then wrote down a few words.

'They obviously do.' he wrote down then passed it back to Gerard. They kept on passing notes for the remaining time of class, not even bothering to pay attention to the droning lectures that were given by Smith.

When the bell rang, all the students picked up their belongings and left the classroom.

Gerard then grabbed Frank by the arm and dragged him out of class.

"Me and Rachel are hanging out, you're coming with us."


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