Chapter 5

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Peter's POV
I wake up to find that Rae isn't beside me in her usual cuddly position, in fact she's gone. I'm not sure where and I don't remember her telling me anything.

I get up and get ready as quickly as possible and see Felix by the fire sharpening a knife.
"Felix! Have you seen Rae ?!"

"Aw do you miss her"

"Felix seriously where is she?!"

"I saw her heading east by mermaid lagoon."

"They'll kill her!"

"Relax she had her bow and knives, also she's not a child, she can protect herself."

"I'm going after her."

"When will you be back?"

"I don't know."
I grab my dagger and run to mermaid lagoon.

Rae's POV
I woke up early to go meet some of my friends. I'd never mentioned them to Peter as he'd kill me if he knew they were my friends. Apparently they drown every woman that comes near them as they want to be the only girls in the island but they open up to me and ask me questions about land. I hadn't seen them in a few weeks, ever since I met Peter.

Once I reach mermaid lagoon I blow the shell horn to let them know I'm here, within seconds about 7 mermaids are leaping out of the water and resting on rocks, shouting my name.

"Rae it's been weeks, where have you been ?" Clawda the red-haired mermaid asks

"Sorry I met some people." I say

"Are you replacing us ?!" Coralia, the Raven-haired mermaid asks.

"No of course not, you guys are my only female friends."

"Well then who did you meet?"

"Peter pan, and the lost boys."
The mermaids stay silent. Until Clawda asks "where's Peter now?"

"He's back at the camp, why."

"Well," Coralia begins, "he's kill you if he knew you were here."

"No we trust each other I'm sure he won't mind if I go out for a bit"
As soon as I say that ,I hear cracking behind me.
My heart pounds, and I see the sun reflecting off something metal coming out of the bushes.
Coralia starts screaming "hook" and I turn to them all diving into the water, before Clawda joins them she grabs my wrist pulling me under. I come up for air and she brings me somewhere safe.

Peter's POV
I hear Coralia the mermaid screaming "Hook" and I run as fast as possible to mermaid lagoon, once I get there it's empty. No mermaids, pirates or Rae in sight. I start to worry until I hear choking on a nearby rock, it's Rae.
I dive into the water and swim over to her.


"Peter calm down, I came to see my friends."

"Your friends?!"

"Yes, I didn't tell you but the mermaids are my friends. I didn't want to say because you would've killed me when we met."

"Where's hook ?"

"Hook? I don't know, I thought he was banished."

"Why would Coralia scream his name then."

As soon as I say that Coralia's head appears in the water, I climb onto the rock away from her.

"Peter." She begins, "hook is here, I saw him, his boat too."

"Where's the boat?"

"Next to skull rock."
Rae dives into the water and runs in direction of skull rock. I quickly run after her shouting her name.

I find her staring at the boat. "Rae what is wrong with you?!"
After I said that a twig snaps begins us, she flinches and loads her bow, pointing it in direction of the noise.

Hook's hook comes out from behind a tree and not long after his entire self. Memories come flooding back to me before Rae whispers,


Rae's POV
I couldn't believe it, my father was there stood right in front of me, a hook on his hand, a black jacket, sword on his belt.
"You- Rae what did you say?!"

"Rae..." the pirate whispers.

I jump into his arms hugging him tightly, tears running from our faces.

"Rae is it really you ? It's been years."

"Dad I thought you were dead. Where's mum"

"Honey, she- she passed years ago, and I ended up here."

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here ?!" Peter shouts.

"Pan. It's been years, what are you doing with my daughter?!"

"Dad stop he's my- well we're," I had to stop and think, what were Peter and I, friends don't kiss and cuddle in bed, but we're not official either. "Um... he saved me. I was falling from a tree and he caught me."
Hook looks at Peter and hugs him. I could tell Peter was uncomfortable.

"Dad, listen we have to head back to the camp. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay... bye."

I didn't answer, Peter and I stayed silent on the walk back to camp. Until he speaks up.

"Why didn't you tell me Hook was your father."

"I didn't know, I thought he was dead."
Peter reaches for my hand and holds it tightly.

"Rae? What are we?"

"I don't know Peter."

"I just noticed when hook asked, you- you were struggling for words."

"Well what are we ?

"What do you want to be?" He smirks at me after saying that, I look away clearly blushing.
I stay silent

"Ok, we'll do you want to be more than friends or stay like this?" He asks.

"I think we should decide on something so if people ask we can give a direct answer."

"Ok then will you be my girlfriend?"

"Um yea of course."

"You hesitated?"

"No I just thought for a second."


We stay silent on the walk back but Peter holds me and kisses my cheek before entering.

Stuff from the author

Sorry for the delay😣 hope you like this one. Also comment what kind of drama yall want .

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