Vol. I...Pretty in Sea Salt

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Sabella-June Cordova is a loose cannon, in the best way.

CAMERA ZOOMS. Pearly teeth gleam. A girl is spread across a pale yellow surfboard. The waves foam gently around the sunkissed ankles she's dipped into the ocean. The girl squeals when the serene calm is interrupted by four loud splashes. QUICK CUT scenes of THE POGUES trying to swim away, laughing loudly. BELLI CORDOVA smiles STRAIGHT at the camera and splashes it.


It's been nine months since she rejoined our humble family after her older sister went into a coma. It was around the same time that Dad went missing, so I won't lie- we had a few cry fests. Belli used to only visit the OBX in the summer, but ever since Bryony's accident, she's been staying with her aunt, Diaspro. The first thing Belli did when she got here was get arrested with JJ because they somehow broke the dolphin tank at the aquarium. You don't want to know, trust me.

CAMERA CUTS to a messy braid being tossed over a shoulder. BELLI is seen dancing around a vintage Italian-style kitchen with a spatula in hand. QUICK CUT to THE POGUES trying to sneak a taste of the marinara sauce. One of the boys dips his finger in and BELLI narrows her eyes before slapping his hand away. JJ MAYBANK feigns hurt and asks her to kiss his hand better. She burst into laughter. His smile brightens.

SUMMERLANDS, JJ MaybankWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu