We're going to Hell

Start from the beginning

"My lord, you and your sister are the equivalent to sheep in a foxes den. This is so risky the two of you will end up dead in a heart beat." Sebastian explained.

"Well you'll just have to do your job of protecting us." Ciel said. You could tell, Ciel was curious as to what hell is like. He wanted answers to things he didn't even know he needed answers too.


It was the next day and everyone was packed for Hell and this morning Sebastian said he was giving us a crash course on what to do and what not to do.

"Alright you two are wearing these sweaters your going to keep the hoods covering your face. Now in Hell fashion is slightly- er well it's completely different so I've designed a wardrobe for you two. (Fn) you'll be wearing these." He said and showed me some jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and basically modern clothing.

"What?! I'm wearing that!" I said pointing to the shorts, "I'll be showing so much-"

"I Hell these are called shorts, it common for both men and women to wear." Sebastian explained.

He then showed Ciel's wardrobe which was fairly similar to yours.

"Now you two are to remain at mine side at all times, understood?" Sebastian said.

You both nodded.

Then the three of you set off to Hell. Sebastian drove the carriage and the the three of you ended up at what seemed to be, a well. Sebastian then grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket and started chanting some sort of foreign language to you. The well began to have a purple light shine out of it. Sebastian threw the luggage down and said, "alright, I'll go first and then you two just jump in."

The both of you nodded. Sebastian jumped in the well and you saw him disappear into the purple aura. Ciel jumped in next and then you.

You looked around and where in awe. There where cars zooming down the streets, buildings as taller than Big Ben, and people- well demons walking around some even flying in the sky.

Sebastian adjusted your hood and said, "now there is a social class to demons so don't speak to anyone. As a contract demon I'm at the top of the social class since I had to get an education for that, the bottom of the social hierarchy are what we call the burglar demons. They steal souls on earth and or they steal them here and lastly the middle class demons work for the government getting souls as payment."

"So why would you want to be a contract demon then?" You asked.

"Well there's perks to the 'job'." Sebastian said using air quotes, "I typically get to make contracts with better tasting souls than what the government gives the middle class and I have a key to Hell so I can come and go out of Hell and back to Earth as I please and quite frankly I prefer it on Earth."

"Oh my god!!! Is that Sebastian?!"

You turned and saw a man he had blonde hair and had a scorpion tail. His eyes where green and he was fairly tall.

"Hello there Brady, I need the key to my residence. Can I stop by your shop to get it?" Sebastian asked.

"Boy! If got you covered here! I heard you where traveling so I kept the key on me." The man then handed Sebastian a card.

(So my take on hell is that it's like the future, everything is modernized compared to the normal world.)

Sebastian took the card and started waving his hand at what appeared to be moving boxes.

"What're those?" Ciel asked.

"Automobiles or well what we call them. Cars." Sebastian then flagged one down and said, "Bellmont residences on feather lane."

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