"My, your a lot stronger than I thought." He said inquiring the arrow.

I sigh and say, "well I'm not just so sissy girl." You where about to pick up another arrow when you felt a grip on your wrist.

I looked up to meet the gaze of the red eyes and he said, "now you must join us for breakfast and I am your tutor starting today for your finishing classes."

"Ha jokes on you I already graduated." I said as he let go of my wrist.

"I believe you missed some classes due to your parents funeral, and being kidnapped correct?"


"Precisely so come along then." Sebastian said holding your bow some how magically getting it out of your grip.

I groaned and followed him arms crossed. "I'm so glad I'm going to Benjamin's tonight." I mumbled.

"That boy..."

"What?" I say looking up at the butler.

"Nothing I'm merely not fond of him." The demon said as we walked into the dining hall.

I sat down and are looking at Ciel who was eating ravenously.

I ate smiling as the food was amazing. "Mmm these crepes are amazing Sebastian!" I said.

Sebastian nodded smiling ever so slightly and said, "your compliment humbles me, my lady."

I nod and get up getting dressed for the day. I pulled on a button down shirt with a black and white striped shirt.

—-time skip——

The day when on monotonely and then it came to the afternoon where I left in the carriage to Benjamin's.

I saw the beautiful manor and smiled as I hopped out of the carriage.

I skipped to his house with my bag in hand . I reached up to knock the door but felt a hand on my arm stop me. I was about to punch someone when I saw Ben.

"Ben!" I say smiling hugging him.

He smiled and said, "I'm glad you came." He return the hug and pulled away only to kiss my hand causing me to blush lightly. He opened the door guiding me smiling.

I smiled and looked around in awe. I twirl around and meet the eyes of two green ones. Her hair was a light blonde that was above her shoulders. She giggled and said, "Ms (fn) you look like a princess."

I smile and say, "and what makes you think I'm a princess Taylor?"

She smiled and said, "your so pretty."

Taylor Walter was Benjamin's sister. She was around the age of 5 and was the cutest thing you've seen in a while. The Walter's mom had passed away not to long after Taylor was born so it's just the three of them.

"(Fn) I'm so glad you came, it sure is nice to have another lady in the house." Lucas said.

I smiled and said, "thank you for having me Mr Walter."

He nods and says, "Benjamin why don't you show her the new garden we had planted."

Ben nods and takes my hand his blue eyes intoxicating me. I smile and ruffle his light brown hair smiling.

He blushed and smiled cutely and said, "I want to show you this."

I smile as he takes my hand and shows me the gorgeous garden. There where violets, roses, lilies, and hibiscus.

I look around in awe and he picks a rose smiling. He placed it behind my ear and said, "have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

I blush and look at him in the eyes. He caresses my cheek and leans in close to me. I felt my face get bright red and then I heard, 'snap!'

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