Chapter 2

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After walking for about 10 minutes, Mafuyu informs you that you have arrived at the studio. You cannot wait to go inside. 

You follow both of the boys inside, to find a small room which they call their recording studio. "This is it?" you ask. "Why is it so small?" you blurt out without thinking. You immediately cover your mouth in embarrassment and apologize over and over. The boys looked confused but brushed it off and explain how they don't have a lot of money, and this is all they can get. Still red from embarrassment, you continue on the tour. Finally arriving back in the room, you see two slightly older looking guys. You blush. 

"Who is this" asks the guy with long hair. "This is (y/n)-san. She just moved here and we met her at school. We told her she could come and watch us practice." 

"Oh cool. Well I am Haruki Nakayama. I play the bass guitar in the band. Nice to meet you (l/n). " he says. You smile and reply the same. You look to the other guy in the room. He looks very intimidating. He has lots of piercings and looks as if he could beat you up in an instant. 

He gives you a funny look, as if he recognizes you. You get very worried that he knows who you are and will tell the rest of the group. "I'm Akihiko" he says. You breath yet another sigh of relief, grateful he did not expose you to the others.

"Well we should get started with practice." Akihiko says. "You can sit over there (l/n)." You follow his instructions and watch as they get into positions. 

3, 2, 1, GO. 

They all start playing as you watch with admiration. When Mafuyu starts singing your heart seems to explode. You cannot explain why he is making you feel this way. "Am I... in love?" you ask yourself. You shake off the thought and listen for the rest of the practice.

"Well what did you think?" Mafuyu asks when they all are done. You compliment all of them and tell them how good they are. You admire their band, a slight part of you wishing you could be a part of it. 

"So do you play any instruments (l/n)?" Akihiko asks? You freeze for a second. You know you cannot lie so you reply, "Well I guess that I can play the guitar and sing a bit." 

"Ooo can we hear you play?" Mafuyu excitedly asks. "Well, I don't really know. I am not all that good." you shakily reply. "That's okay." Uenoyama replys. "It would just be for fun" he says. 

"I don't really know" you say again. "Come on, after we played for you?" Haruki chimes in. You finally collapse under all the pressure. "Fine, maybe just one song." you say. Akihiko gives you a sly smile. 

You slowly make your way to a guitar, and plug it in. "What should I play?" you ask the group. Anything you want." reply's Uenoyama. You start playing one of your most popular songs, hoping they would just think you like the song. They all stare in amazement as you start to sing with your angelic voice and amazing guitar skills. You feel embarrassed and worried that they will no longer like you, or think you fit in. You finally finish the song after what feels like an eternity. Once you are done, you put down the guitar and face the group. 

Akihiko smirks and says, "I had a suspicion that you were who I thought you were."

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