4 // Mystery Girl

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She glare. "You probably show up early so that I won't chop your balls off."

I groan. I pick my bag and went to my room. I saw the lights coming from my brother's room? He's here?

I put my bag on the floor and went to knock on his door.

The door opened. "The hell? You come back and you don't even call me?"

He rolled his eyes and smirk. "Shut up Ry!"

We man hug with each other and kick each other butt.

"Sorry to interupt your butt kicking but the dinner is ready! And mind your language Axel Ryder!"

"Mum, I know you love my name but stop saying my full name."

She raised her right hand-- "Okay, sorry. Don't smack me again."

She turn around and make her away to the dining room.

"You still scared of her." My brother, Sean said.

"You know how she is."

He nodded and we laugh. "Come down here fast and stop saying bad things about your own mother." My mum shouted.

Talk about the mother's instinct.

My mum can be nice and evil at the same time. If you get on her bad side then get ready. Even dad still scared of her sometimes. Trust me, its true.

Sean just finished his study in Harvard but he decide to live in Paris to rule our company there.

I sit at the table and Dad look at me. "Hello dad."

He smile at me. "Hello son. Still bang some random woman?"

I grin. "Good job. That's the only way to prove whether you're a man or not."

My mum slap my dad's hand. "You should ask him to change not encourage him."

"He still young. When he found the true one, his sense will come. Just like me." I high-fiving with my dad.

Everyone thoughts my dad is a strict person, well he is but he can be fun also. He give us choice to do anything in our life but we have to care about our image.

He let me do my playboy thing as long as I don't have an instant child that way. He's cool.

Mum glare at both of us.

I shrugged it off and eat my mum's cooking. Mum is the best.

"I miss your cooking." I moan at the taste of the food.

"Yeah, that's why you come to meet me every week."

I choked on the food while dad and Sean laugh at me. Mum still giving us her cool-I-don't-care-face.

"By the way, who's coming tomorrow?" Mum chuckled.


Okay, when she say that it'll be hell.


"Mum, I want to go back like right now."

She look at me and laugh. "Mum, its not funny." I whine.

I narrowed my eyes at her. She take the tray that contain vegetables for barbecue, push me to the side and make her way to the garden where all my family members is there.

I take a deep breath and make my way to the garden. Sean look at me and laugh. How dare he laugh at his big brother. What a brat!

What should I do now? I fished out my phone and scroll my twitter news feed. What? Can't a guy have a twitter?

Few DM's from hot sexy girl and --

"Axel, I miss you." She kissed me and screeched beside me.

I push her slowly, make it not too obvious.

"I don't." She wrap her arm around me.

"Lying is bad." I rolled my eyes. Her self-esteem is too high trust me.

I look at my mum and giving her signal to save me. She giggle and went inside the room.

Way to go, mum. I look at my brother and he avoid my eye contact.

Of course, my family love me too much.

I push her again. "I'm busy."

"Want me to massage you." She practically rubbing all her body parts to me. She's my cousin for god sakes.

Let me introduce you to my ultimate fan, she really really really like me since I was five I think. She's younger than me by two years.

Imagine the shocked I have when she send me a wedding dress picture to me. Yes, she already buy the wedding dress and my tux of course.

She's too clingy. When I have my first scandal or girlfriend, she always threaten them and she do what she said.

For example, she threaten to burn my scandal's hair if she still with me. We just shrugged it off thinking she won't do it.

She did. In the history class. Yes, imagine what happen to the hair.

She even show to everyone my boxer to tell them that I'm hers. She's way too crazy.

I push her again and she budge this time. I make a way inside the room.

"Axel!" I groan. Not them too.

Its my grandparents people.

"I miss you. I have a lot to tell you."

I shook my head. "I don't feel well."

They look at me and give me weird expression. Whatever! I make my way to my room.

My phone vibrated.

How about my surprised? Fun right?

Its my mum's revenge. I need a mental note to come here at least once a week.

I buried my face.

I sit up and just then my phone rang.


"Yo man! Where are you?"

"At mum's." I run my fingers through my messy hair.

"I guess something bad happen."

"Yeah. What you want?"

"I know this news will make you happy."

My eyes went wide. "What?"

"Your mystery girl is here."

I stood up. "What? I'll be there in thirty minutes."

I hang up and throw the phone. I make my way to the shower.

I grab my car key, wallet and phone and just when I'm at the door.

"Where are you going, Axel Ryder Knight."

I look at my mum and grin. "Out. Blade needs me--" Its okay to lie right?

She glare at me. "Its the truth. I'm not getting laid tonight.

She nodded. "I love you mum."

I slid into the car and drove off to the club.

Can't wait, mystery girl.

Maybe my plan can start now?


A/N : Sorry for being so late. ;) anyway, enjoy and please vote.
The picture above is Chace. He's so hot right? I know.
Love, xoxo

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