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🔞🔞This chapter contains sexual content, I will put this emoji at the beginning and end of the scenes so you can skip it if you want to🔞🔞

I love reading your comments, and they give me the motivation to write!~ <3 


"And the 1st Place award of the Duo Dance Competition goes to..."

My eyes were stuck onto the host, cold sweat ran back my back, and my hands were joined together as I continuously prayed for us to win. I bit my lip and shut my eyes closed.

"Lee Minho and Han Jisung from JYP Highschool!" drawled the host excitedly. I jumped out from my seat, my eyes widened and my mouth open, the weight of winning finally dropped and I felt like I was floating, I looked over to Minho who looked like a little child, looking at the presents under a Christmas tree, jumping up and down. My heart bloomed at the sight, I gave him a tight squeeze. We then walked up to the stage, bowing down and accepting the award as the lady handed it over.

The first judge began "I have to say, I was not expecting that kind of performance at all. This performance was the nearest one to perfection.  I am quite impressed, congratulations boys"

"Thank you"

The second judge then continued "The performance in terms of synchronization was good, however, you could have put more emotion into it as the black swans did theirs. Their performance was magical, the feeling was deep and it was meaningful unlike yours" 

Was this positive feedback or straight-up disrespect?

The third judge literally snatched the mic from the previous one and snarled "Don't listen to her darlings, someone pissed in her cereal this morning" The whole crowd burst out laughing and the previous judge just crossed his arms and sat back, the third one continued "I thought your dance displayed such a beautiful story, it brought tears to my eyes. And if I'm correct, you both choreographed this dance yourself?"

"Yes ma'am" I replied.

"That's even more of a reason for you to win this award! Keep up the hard work and I feel like you have great potential in the future!"

The whole crowd hooted and clapped as Minho and I bowed and thanked the judges once again. Minho engulfed me in a hug once again, smiling the whole time, I interlocked our fingers. When we went back to our seats, the rest of the candidates, including Yunho and Yeosang, congratulated us and the event went on. In the trio dance competition, our school came third. 

We still congratulated the team and tried to make them feel better.

Later on, Minho and I sat on a nearby bench as our new friends came and said they looked forward to meeting us again and bid us a farewell. Our school bus arrived along with the Head Mistress, she congratulated all three teams. We reached school, everyone in the assembly area hooted and congratulated us. Felix being the loudest. 

A few girls, who had an obnoxious amount of makeup on, and showed half their bodies were draping over Minho and talking in a really high-pitched voice. Anger fueled me, and I clenched my fists, only to smirk and relax as Minho sneered at them and told them to back off.

"Hyung, I'm going to get something to drink from the vending machine, do you want something too?"

"Nah I'm good" he replied. Minho leaned down and whispered "Be quick babe" but that was just a cover-up so he could kiss my cheek.

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