{Chapter 11}

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  Zane knew he didn't deserve the meif'wa Princess from the moment he walked into the same room as her. But seeing her stare around his castle with her ears back and a pouty look dressing her face made him no longer care. And after he made his presence known, he was thrilled that the simplest sight of him made her ears perk. She was simply stunning.

  Then her little smirk that went along with her challenge made his heart pump faster then he could have thought ever possible. He took up her challenge and promised her that she would eat her words.


  The first place they visited was pool and exercise room. She commented that they could fit a village in the pool alone. He didn't doubt it, but he was more or less used to the size by then.

  Next was the art studio, Nana was especially encapsulated in the atmosphere and talent displayed on the walls. Zane was disappointed in himself that he didn't guess earlier that she enjoyed art. Kawaii~Chan expressed to him about her love for the talent and how she herself found it enjoyable and relaxing. He smiled along with her as they took a few minutes to stand in the back of the studio and watched the artists work on a huge project for the dining room. The canvas was especially big and Zane took great care to assure her that everyone could get it downstairs safely.

  Zane's was very excited and proud of the next room. He claimed that he really enjoyed the activities past the door that he was blocking. His words had her very intrigued too and she was not to be disappointed. As he opened the door Nana swore she lost the ability to breath. A mind blowing stage greeted her vision as her eyes fought the dim light in order to see. The entire room, not excluding the stage, must have been the size of a football field! The velvety chairs lined in rows looked so comfortable that you could fall into a deep sleep from which you could never wake up!

  "Twice a month a play or a musical is hosted here. It is something I always look forward to. Sometimes there are competitions held here too." Zane laughed.

  Nana smiled to as she imagined all of the beautiful music and laughs that has been heard here. "I wish I could see it," She thought wishfully. Zane's mood dropped too.

  "There will be one soon but you are to leave tomorrow," The king sighed. 

  "Tomorrow!?" Nana exclaimed, she leaped up and latched onto Zane's arm, she hung on tightly as if she didn't ever want to let go. He didn't know how he was going to deal with her leaving. He too was very alarmed and unhappy with the news.

  "I apologize Miss Chan but your mother and father only permitted you to stay for a few days. I would love to keep you here, yet keeping you here against your will would most likely start up more unwanted hostility with the alliances," 

  Although Kawaii~Chan was happy that he wanted her here as well she was a little confused about the phrasing. So if her parents didn't care he would keep her here against her will? Nana shook her head and kept pouting up at him.

  Zane never thought of himself as one to give in to adorableness but she really did look on the verge of tears. He brought his hand to her cheek and wished he hadn't worn gloves. "I'm sorry," She huffed and he sighed.

  "C'mon Princess, there is one more place I have to show you before dinner starts."

  Zane took her hand and pointed across the hall to a glass door. Her ears perked up in curiosity.

  Zane pushed the doors open and Kawaii~Chan found herself amazed again. There was a large glass dome above them, different slabs of glass in all different shapes still forming perfectly above them. Below that there was foliage of exotic flowers, perfectly rounded bushes, and large draping trees all surrounding a shining pond. They walked across a stone pathway that ran across the flowing river and towards the pond. Nana was set on looking into the pond's astoundingly clear waters.

  As she neared she slowed to peak over the edge of the pond. The bottom was made of natural material found at the bottom of creeks materials like, rocks, sand, dirt, but what surprised her was a shining crystal eye resting at the bottom. It wasn't at all covered by any other muck that lay next to it, it almost seemed like the dirt was afraid of it.

  "Don't stare at it to long, many legends and rumors surround that eye." Zane whispered from behind her. 

  Her ears perked up and she turned to him. "Oh, okay." She agreed. There was something oddly eerie about the decorative crystal.

  "And there is more to the garden, look past the pillars." Zane suggested.

  She turned and realized that when she was so distracted by the pond and foliage that she didn't even look past it to the garden, forest, and waterfall behind it. 

  They came from one side of the circle that surrounded the dome, half bordering the miniature garden with the castle walls. The other half was open to the outside with large pillars holding up the glass dome. Past the pillars was an outdoor garden.

  "I'll be happy to show you that later, however it is dinner time and I am very hungry. Would you accompany me to dinner?" Zane asked.

  She smiled as she finally recognized her own hunger, "Of course, let's go!"

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora