I finished of my toast and went to my room, picking out my clothes for the day. I could tell by how hot it was this early, that today was going to be a scorcher. I opted for my rarely worn daisy dukes and a long singlet top. 

Despite the heat, I still had my usual steaming hot shower. The bathroom quickly filling with a thick layer of steam, making it difficult to see. Puddles started appearing on the uneven floor as water sprayed out of the half broken shower head and bounced off my body. 

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't prolong this shower. I had too many things to do around the house. A nice breeze cooled my body down once I stepped out, due to the water that still clung to my skin. I wrapped the towel tightly around myself, still self conscious even though there wasn't anyone around, and opened my window once I got into my bedroom. There was a cool breeze coming in and it was lovely. 

I quickly got dressed, and didn't bother looking at myself in the mirror, knowing that I wouldn't like what I saw. If I did look, then I would probably change my mind about the clothes I was wearing and would opt for a long skirt or a maxi dress. It was way too hot outside for me to be stuck being all covered up, so I didn't risk it. 

I got stuck right into my chores, wanting to get the worst of it out of the way. I braved the heat and swarming bees in my backyard to hang out the washing. Doing a different chore in between loads until they were dried, before putting another basket full. 

My mother never did anything around the house in regards to cleaning or washing, and with me being at work all day and busy with Uni assignments all night, there wasn't much time for me to wash our clothes during the week. Lucky for me, I had just enough clothes to last me for a week until they were washed. My work uniform was free, surprisingly, so I had a set for each day of the week. 

I hung out the third load and went in to start searching for something to cook for my mother's dinner. We had hardly any food left so I didn't have very many options. I grabbed the remaining bit of rice we had out of the bare cupboard and put it on to boil. 

Putting the mixed vegetables on to boil as well, I decided to throw a bit of cut up ham pieces in there. Just to give it a bit more flavour, and to prevent my mother from complaining about a meal that wasn't up to her standards. If home made fried rice wasn't good enough for her, then she could just kiss my ass. 

After I turned down the hot plate on which the rice was boiling, the Harry Potter theme song blasted loudly through the house from my bedroom, alerting me to a new text. I dashed quickly into my room and grabbed my phone before running back into the kitchen, not wanting to leave the rice boiling on it's own. I quickly turned the dial, turning the hot plate off and poured the rice into the strainer. 

I took this time to unlock my ancient looking phone and read a text from Jax, asking me to call him during his break. I wasn't sure when that was today so I texted back, telling him to text me as soon as his break started. He agreed and I got back to finishing the cooking.

I placed the plastic covered plate into the fridge where it would be seen by my mother, which wouldn't be hard considering the fridge was almost empty. I had one more room to clean then I could do whatever I wanted for the rest of the day.

Once the living room was cleaned and vacuumed, I grabbed a backpack with a few bottles of water, a towel, and a peanut butter sandwich. I had decided that I was going to go to the beach again today. I had a feeling that I would have enough courage to finally talk to the mystery guy today. If he was even there that is. 

I slipped on my barely worn flip flops and locked the door behind me. My pair of cheap five dollar sunglasses darkened my view and shielded my eyes slightly to the blazing sun as I walked down the dirt driveway of my house.

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