Chapter eight: it begins

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y/n POV
as i put on my uniform,i pressed on the cast that was wrapped around my torso 'it hurts...but its bearable' I thought as I buttoned my shirt "y/n hurry up or you'll be late!!" dad yelled from downstairs

I finished changing,got my bag and walked downstairs "hey dad.." I said,trying not to make eye contact because...after what I heard last night...I couldn't look him in the eyes without thinking 'what are you hiding from me....and why?'

"hey look like something's bothering you...what is it?" he asked 'oh not much,just the fact that youre hiding something from me!!!' I thought "its nothing...just boring old school stuff!" I said with an awkward smile

"you sure?" he asked 'NOPE!' I thought "yup" I said as I put on my shoes "I'll see you later dad!" I said before leaving,'the person dad was talking to...he sounded quite familiar....where have I heard that voice before?' I thought as I walked to school

I finally arrived at the school gates,until the bell rang,I quickly walked to class 'hurry up,hurry up,hurry up!!!' I thought as I stopped in front of my class door and opened it "y/n!!" koda exclaimed as he stood up from his seat and hugged me (he's so adorable!!!)

"welcome back Kasai" iida said as he bowed "its good to be back dont have to bow ya know" I chuckled "look who's back on their feet...the one and only y/n Kasai!" kaminari said as he slapped my back,I winced in pain while holding my back "not too hard kaminari" I chuckled

"oh...sorry Kasai" he apologized "no worries" i said as i walked to my desk and carefully sat on my chair "so tell me...does hospital food taste as bad as it sounds?" mina asked as she walked over to me "well-" I was cut off by the door slamming open

everyone looked at the door and saw Mr aizawa all wrapped up in bandages "everyone sit down" he said as everyone found their seats and sat down "shouldnt you rest a little more mr. aizawa?" hagakure asked "I'm fine hagakure" mr aizawa answered

"you call that fine?!" I muttered "we will be holding a sports festival in a few days and I want all of you to train hard" mr aizawa started "sir...are you sure its safe enough to hold the sports festival RIGHT after the villain attack?" yaoyurozu asked "there will be pro heroes patroling the area should be good" mr aizawa replied

sero tapped on my shoulder and asked "hey y/n...I just wanted to ask...whats the thing that you've been working really hard on with your quirk?" "thats really random but...I've been trying to make my volcanoes a little bigger but what ive always wanted to try out was making myself a human canon ball and shooting myself out of a volcano" I answered

"sero,y/n...would you like to share anything with the class?" mr aizawa asked "n-no sir..." sero and I said

Narrator POV
for the past 4 days,class 1-A have been training to get ready for the sports festival,y/n sometimes would train with her father at home to improve her fighting skills

the days went by like a gust of wind and before they knew it,the day of the sports festival arrived "be sure to drink lots of water alright kiddo?" y/n's dad said "I will" y/n said as she put on her shoes

"I'll be cheering for you" he waved as y/n walked to school with Mina "I'm really excited for today!" Mina exclaimed,excitedly

time skip/in the waiting room

class 1-A were all warming up in the waiting room "wow really like drinking a lot of water huh..." shoji said as y/n chugged the fourth bottle of water "water helps my quirk get stronger....its like...sato and sugar" y/n answered

time skip/in the arena

as class 1-A walked to the arena,jirou asked y/n "you nervous?" "a bit" y/n answered as she saw other classes walk to the middle of the arena where the pro hero midnight was,as she started explaining,all the boys had a light tint of pink on their cheeks

"is anyone gonna tell her that her suit is a" kirishima whispered "y/n....her boobs are bigger than mine?!" mina whispered to y/n "do you think they're bigger than mine?" yaoyurozu asked as y/n started giggling

"representing class 1-A is....katsuki bakugo!" midnight yelled as bakugo walked up to the stage and stood infront of the microphone "I just want to say....that im gonna win" he said as everyone in the arena started booing at him "I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!" class 1-A yelled at the same time

"why would you say something like that?! you are representing us all!!" iida yelled as he started choping the usual "you all are just stepping stones to my victory" bakugo said while walking down the stage

"let's move on to our first category!!" midnight exclaimed as a big holographic screen thing landed on some words that said

obstacle race

and with that....the race to victory,began

~Authors note~
the sports festival is finally beginning!!
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Volcanic Love [Eijiro Kirishima x fem reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz