Chapter three: rivals

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Narrator POV
the two teams walked down to the first floor and saw sero,still hanging from the ceiling "can you guys please help me get down?" sero asked "sure" y/n giggled as she tried to tear the tape "thanks Kasai" sero said as he got down "no worries" y/n replied

"so kasai-" kirishima started but y/n cut him off "you can just call me y/n" "alright,y/n what your quirk?" he continued "I can make lava and volcanoes emerge,and I can also heat things up" y/n replied

as the two teams walked out,they saw mina and kaminari running towards them "THAT WAS SO COOL YOU GUYS!!" mina yelled as she hugged y/n and tsuyu "Y/N YOU WERE LIKE BOOM,FLIP,ROOKIE MISTAKE SERO AND THEN WABAM!!" mina yelled as she imitated y/n

"and tokoyami,you were like DARK SHADOW and then it went woosh and tsuyu,you went like WAM and then-" mina said,out of breath as the other girls surrounded y/n and tsuyu "you were so cool you two" jirou said "thanks,you guys were really cool too" y/n said

kirishima POV
kaminari ran over to me and sero while mina ran to y/n and tsuyu "that was epic you two" kaminari said "but we didn't really do much"sero said "you two used teamwork to guard the bomb,but even though you two lost,you did your best" all might replied as he patted both our backs

"hows midoriya?" y/n asked as she walked over to us "he's resting in the nurse's office young Kasai" all might answered,y/n nodded as yaoyurozu called her to them

y/n POV
we were all in class,talking while Mr aizawa was sleeping...again "so let me get this straight....your quirk is talking to animals and you can control them?" I asked "basically,yes" koda answered "thats really cool,and cute" I smiled "t-thanks" koda replied as he slightly blushed

'so adorable' I thought as I looked behind me and saw mineta drooling "AAK" I yelled as I grabbed the closest object,which was koda's notebook and hit mineta on the head and knocked him out "why does he have to be such a pervert?" mina said as she looked at him

the door opened and midoriya came in with a cast wrapped around his left arm "Deku!" uraraka exclaimed as she ran over to him "oh hey uraraka" midoriya replied "how are you feeling midoriya?" I asked "I'm alright" he answered as he looked around

"have you guys seen kacchan?" midoriya asked "bakugo? I think he left" uraraka said as midoriya ran out the door "wheres he going?" mineta asked as he sat up "AAAH" mina yelled as she snatched the notebook from me and hit mineta's head with it "ASHIDO YOU SHOULDNT HIT YOUR CLASSMATES IN THE HEAD!!" iida yelled as he walked over to us

"sorry iida" mina said as she handed koda his notebook "let's go amd see where midoriya's headed" mina said as she pulled my wrist "c'mon uraraka" mina said as she pulled uraraka's wrist as well

we saw bakugo and midoriya near the school gate from a window "I wonder what they're talking about" mina said as bakugo walked away and all might walked behind midoriya "the two rivals fighting against each other to be the best hero" uraraka said

"wait really?" I asked while giggling "I'm not sure" she answered

time skip/after school

Narrator POV
"bye mina see ya tomorrow" y/n said as she walked up her porch "you know it girl!!" mina said as she pointed hand guns and winked at y/n,y/n opened the door "dad...I'm home!" she yelled as she closed locked the door behind her

"dad?" y/n called again 'maybe hes in his office' she thought as she walked to her dad's office,y/n was about to open the door but instead,y/n slightly opened the door and looked through the small space and saw her dad on the phone

"does your kid know?" a voice asked from the phone "no she doesnt and I'd like to keep it that way" her dad said,y/n's eyes widened with the words of her father 'keep what?' y/n asked herself as she listened carefully

"good,because we wouldnt want her to interfere" the voice said "course sir" y/n's dad replied as he hung up,y/n opened the door "hey dad...I'm home" she smiled like nothimg happened "oh y/n...when did you arrive?" her dad asked

"just now" y/n said "im gonna go out for a bit OK?" her dad said as he got his coat "OK dad" y/n replied "see ya kiddo" he said as he left,y/n quickly went to the desk and searched for the phone 'dad never brings his phone with him I dont know why but he never does' y/n thought as she found the phone

she looked for the recent calls he had but it was empty 'shoot...he deleted them' y/n thought 'I wonder who dad was calling...and what is he keeping from me?' y/n thought as she went to her room

~Authors note~
I hope you enjoyed this chapter
who do you think y/n's dad was calling?
pls vote and feel free to comment
than for reading

Volcanic Love [Eijiro Kirishima x fem reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora