Chapter eleven part three: the final stand

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y/n POV
"hey Bakugo,playing the villain huh? must've been tough" Sero chuckled as Bakugo walked towards his seat "even if it was just of who you were up against,you did make a pretty convincing bad guy" Tsu said "wise words Tsu...wise words indeed" I added

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo yelled as he sat down "I dont know how you were able to aim a powerful blast at a frail girl like that..I couldn't help but go easy on Shiozaki" Kaminari said "yeah right" I chuckled

"she completely over powered you Kaminari" Tsu replied "cant you just let me have this?!" he said "I definitely wouldn't call that girl frail" Bakugo muttered

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu walked up to the ring and started their arm wrestle "I wonder who's gonna win the arm wrestle" I said "MAKE US PROUD KIRI!!" Mina yelled as Kirishima slammed Tetsutetsu's arm down "AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS,KIRISHIMA ADVANCES ONTO THE NEXT ROUND" present Mic yelled

we were all in our seats when I saw Uraraka "Uraraka! over here" I called as she sat down beside me "how're you feeling?" Tsu asked "I'm alright" Uraraka answered
"your fight was really intense huh" Mina said

"yeah..." Uraraka replied "dont worry,there's always next year" I said,trying to lighten the mood as Midoriya and Todoroki walked to the ring



ice escaped from under Todoroki's feet and made its way towards Midoriya,but Midoriya blasted the ice with a flick of his finger,causing the ice to break...along with his finger

more ice escaped from Todoroki's feet again and once again,Midoriya broke his other finger with another flick
(let's just time skip to the end of the battle cuz I'm sure you know how the fight goes)

the fight ended with Midoriya on the ground,and out of bounds "TODOROKI WINS,HE ADVANCES ONTO THE NEXT ROUND!" Midnight yelled

the next match was Mina vs Shiozaki (I know it was supposed to be Iida but...we'll just make it Mina)

the fight didnt last long but Mina won,the next match was me vs Tokoyami

"DARK SHADOW!!" Tokoyami yelled as dark shadow emerged from his body and quickly flew towards me,I tried to throw lava balls at him but he dodged them easily

dark shadow wrapped himself around me tightly and carried me towards the other side of the ring "im sorry I have to do this" I said as I heated myself up,causing dark shadow to drop me 3 inches away from the line

I quickly made a hammer and hit dark shadow on the head and knocked him out,I got up and ran towards Tokoyami,I was so close to reaching Tokoyami but I felt something grab the back of my jacket

I looked back and saw dark shadow and smirked as Tokoyami noticed my lasso wrapped around his waist,I spun him around and finally threw him out of bounds,along with dark shadow....and my jacket

'thank goodness i wore a shirt underneath' I thought as I heard Mineta yell "YOU SHOULDVE RIPPED THE SHIRT ASWELL!!!" 'im gonna kill him him when i get back' I thought as Midnight announced "Kasai will advance!!"

it was Bakugo and Kirishima's match next "im gonna go get some water,want anything?" I asked while standing up "no thanks" Jirou and Mina answered as I walked down the stairs

until I saw Midoriya "hey Midoriya..woah...are you sure thats not permanent?" I asked while pointing at his broken arms "don't worry Kasai,its not permanent...thankfully" he answered as i saw Iida come out of the hallway

"Midoriya..I suppose your surgery went well" he said "surgery?!" I exclaimed "yeah..." Midoriya replied "well...I'll see you guys around" I said as I continued walking

time skip/a few minutes later

Bakugo and Kirishima's match was over and I was going against Todoroki 'let's hope my power is enough for this round' I thought as I walked to the ring



"c'mon can do this" I muttered "how long you think the match is gonna hold up?" Jirou asked "not long" I answered

and before we knew it,the match ended with Mina losing and Todoroki advancing,the next match was me vs Bakugo and I gotta say,I was kinda scared "do your best out there Kasai" Shoji said "thanks Shoji" I replied as I walked down the stairs with Bakugo "dont hold back on me lava lamp" Bakugo said

"I am NOT a lamp boom boom boy!" I said as we walked towards the ring as the arena was filled with cheer once more "AND NOW,BAKUGO VS KASAI!!" present Mic annouced

"DIE!!!" Bakugo yelled as he threw an explosion at me but I quickly dodged it,he kept throwing bigger explosions at me while I dodged them "STOP DOGDING AND START FIGHTING!!" he yelled

"I just a second" I smirked as I used all his sweat to tie him up "your quirk isnt the only one that can use sweat" I smirked but Bakugo was able to break free from the lasso with his explosions

he used his explosions to fly towards me,I tried to dodge him but I was too late,he grabbed my body and threw me across the ring,but I wasnt out yet

I winced in pain and held my torso,remebering my broken ribcage,I struggled to stand up "lets end this" I muttered as I ran towards him,he threw an explosion at me.

I made a lava wall infront of the explosion causing the wall to break.some smoke surrounded us as I quietly ran towards Bakugo and roundhouse kicked him on the jaw

I tried to punch him but he blocked my attack and threw me across the ring "your attacks are getting weak" Bakugo smirked "you think i dont know that!?" I muttered

I was about to run towards Bakugo but he stretched his arms and yelled "STUN GRENADE" an enormous explosion came towards me.I tried to make a wall infront of me but it was too weak

I flew across the ring and hit the wall "KASAI IS OUT OF BOUNDS,BAKUGO'S THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH!!" Midnight yelled "THAT MEANS THE FINAL FIGHT WILL BE TODOROKI AGAINST BAKUGO" present Mic announced as robots carried me to Recovery girl's office

~Authors note~
thats all for this part y'all!
I hope u enjoyed it
I know this chapter took long to publish,and I apologize for that
I had a lot of things to take care of but I'll try to publish more often from now on

thanks for reading!!

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