Chapter seven: reckless but brave

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y/n POV
we were about to walk out but I stopped and saw a hideous looking creature standing next to Mr aizawa,laying on the ground,all beat up "we need to help them-" I said but kirishima held my arm "we cant be reckless with our actions y/n...we need a solid plan" he said

I nodded and looked at where the villains were and saw midoriya try to punch the villain with blue hair "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" he yelled as his fist was about to hit the villain,until the creature quickly appeared infront of midoriya's fist,but it didnt have a just....stood still

"here's a solid plan...fight,defeat the villains and....dont die" I said "thats a wish list idiot!" bakugo exclaimed as I ran out and found a big piece of wood that was sharp enough to stab something

I quickly ran towards the creature with the piece of wood in my grasp,since the creature was very big,I made three lava platforms,each one getting higher and higher,I ran up the platforms and jumped on the creature's back and quickly stabbed its shoulder

"GO HELP MR AIZAWA!!" I yelled as midoriya,asui and mineta ran to help our teacher,the creature started struggling and tried to take me off its back,I quickly made a sword and sliced its arm off

"YEAH TAKE IT OUT KASAI!!" mineta cheered as the creature grabbed my hood and threw me towards mineta,I fell on top of him "b-b-boo-b.." he stuttered as I quickly got off him and put my arms around my chest "MINETA YOU PERVERT!!" I yelled

I looked at the creature and saw its arm grow back in less than 15 seconds,I made a big sledgehammer and ran towards the creature but it just threw me out of the way as if I was a piece of paper

"good job them!" the blue haired villain said as he pointed to midoriya,mineta and asui,the nomu started walking towards them as I quickly got up and lassoed the nomu's arms "GO!" I yelled as asui,midoriya and mineta ran towards the rest of the class with Mr aizawa in their arms

before the nomu could react,the doors burst opened as all might yelled "DO NOT FEAR STUDENTS...BECAUSE I AM HERE" "all might.." I sighed in relieve as I heard kirishima's voice yell "Y/N LOOK OUT!!!"

'never turn your back on a villain!!' I quickly thought but it was too late,the nomu pulled on the lasso which caused me to fly towards it,the nomu grabbed my body and threw me against a wall

as blood dripped from my head,my vision started getting blurry and all I could hear were muffled voices "take young Kasai to the other students" I heard all might's voice say before I passed out

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings,on my left was a small table with a small flower bouquet (I had a very hard time spelling this) with a small note that said

get well soon y/n
~class 1-A~

"y/n you're awake!" jirou exclaimed as she came inside the room with a nurse "hey jirou-" I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up "careful now miss Kasai" the nurse said as she helped me sit up "you broke your ribcage but luckily,your spine is alright" she added

"YOURE ALIVE!!!" uraraka yelled as she came inside the room with mina "Y/N!!" mina yelled as she ran over to me and hugged me tightly "broken ribcage,broken ribcage Mina,watch the ribs!!" I exclaimed "sorry y/n I just got excited" mina apologized

"we're just glad you're OK" jirou smiled "its gonna take more than a broken ribcage to bring this volcano down" I chuckled

time skip/two days later

Narrator POV
y/n was released from the hospital and was in her room,resting as thoughts crowded her mind 'who were this villains?' 'will there be more attacks anytime soon?' 'did anyone else get hurt?'

she walked downstairs to the kitchen for a cold glass of water to calm her mind until she heard her father's voice from the office and the same voice from the last time he was on the phone

"does she suspect anything?" the voice asked "no sir" y/n's dad said in a stern voice 'now im suspicious' y/n thought...

~Authors note~
sorry this chapter took kinda long to publish
I had 2 problems
1: our internet has been kinda glitchy lately
2: I had no motivation to write
its quite hard to find motivation these days
but feel free to vote and comment

thanks for reading!!

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