Ch. 12 / The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine

Start from the beginning

They soon left the rooftop once they were finished dancing and admiring the view. Harry insisted they should drop by at Starbucks to buy some coffee, suggesting they might need enough caffeine in their system to survive a steamy night. Taylor blushed at the thought, but just followed him as they walked across the street and headed towards Starbucks, the very same place where he had taken her after carelessly bumping against her and spilling her coffee at the process. Much to their luck, it didn't take long for them to get their order done, and Harry even bought a whole chocolate cake for them to devour later on.

Once they had left Starbucks, they headed back towards the hotel where they were about to spend the night in. Soon enough, they had arrived at the suite he had gotten for them. He slipped in the keycard and Taylor sighed at the beauty of the suite. Upon glancing around, she noticed the bouquet of flowers sitting on top of the king sized bed.

"This is so lovely," she sighed as she rushed towards the bed to pick-up the bouquet of flowers. "You are certainly the best. I love you," she said, gazing up at him in delight.

"Well, I have one more surprise for you," he said excitedly.

"Another one? You really shouldn't spoil me that much," she giggled.

Harry handed her a piece of a greeting card, but it wasn't just an ordinary card. Upon opening it, Taylor saw Braille writing on it.

"Read it, love. I will prepare the cake. I'm starving," he chuckled and headed towards the table to prepare the cake.

Taylor rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's little antics, but she sat down on the bed and started reading the message anyway. She placed it on her lap and started feeling the dots using her fingers. Just a few seconds later, her breath got caught up in her throat when she realized what it meant. There were four words with fourteen letters and it said, "Will you marry me?"

"Harry..." She called out his name in shock.

Harry nervously walked towards her, holding a small box of a diamond ring in his hand. Taylor's eyes went wide upon seeing the ring. Harry then knelt down on one knee in front of her and looked deeply into her beautiful brown eyes.

"When I first saw you, I know there's something special about you. You were so genuine and I loved how different you were from all the ladies I have known. I remember telling myself that I need to talk to you again and get your number," he said chuckling, but then continued further into his speech. "When I finally got to know you, I couldn't get away from you anymore. We're like magnets. I couldn't resist getting attracted to you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. You showed me the true meaning of love.... You taught me how to love. You brought happiness and inspiration into my life, and you have influenced me to be a better person. I never understood unconditional love until I met you, Taylor. But now that I know, I never want to let you go. You are my soulmate, and I couldn't ask for anyone else but you to spend the rest of my life with. I promise to love you, take care of you, and cherish you forever... Taylor Alison Swift, will you marry me and be my wife for eternity?" he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

Taylor couldn't believe that Harry had just proposed to her. His words were so full of love and sincerity. She had a hard time taking it all in, but she was fine. She didn't even think about the answer because there was no need of hesitation. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she blurted out happily with tears in her eyes.

Harry slipped the ring on her finger and he kissed her hand before getting up to pull her tightly in his arms and seal the deal with a real passionate kiss.

"I love you," He murmured upon looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

Taylor smiled at him lovingly. "I love you too, Harry. I can't wait to be your wife."

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