That information seemed kind of superfluous.

"That's mean Ayanokouji-kun. You shouldn't treat a lovely teacher like me like that" Hoshinomiya

"I didn't just know you at that time sensei" I said in a monotonous tone

"Then what do think of me now?" She asked full of expectations

I answered taking full weight of her expectations from 

"I'd rather stay away" I replied in the same flat emotionless tone

I could hear some muffled laughs from around the gymnasium. Hoshinomiya sensei pouted.

"Hey, why did Sae-chan call you? Huh? Huh? Why?" she asked. "No idea."

"I don't understand. You were called to the office without a reason?

Hmm? What's your name?"

An onslaught of questions. She scanned me from top to bottom, as if sizing me up.

"My name's Ayanokouji," I said.

"Ayanokouji-kun, huh? Oh, wow, that's a cool name. You're pretty popular, aren't you?"

I could hear those muffled laughter again. But only this time they were focused on me.

"He is the exact opposite of popular sensei." Miyamoto

"Yeah he is always gloomy and doesn't talk much either" Ike

"At least he isn't some some perverted idiot like you." Sato

Shinohara started laughing at her comment

"Oi don't say that Kiyopon isn't gloomy at all." Haruka

What was with this overly friendly teacher? She acted more like a student. If this were an all-boy school, she would have immediately captured every student's heart.

"Did I manage to capture your heart by any chance Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked me an extremely weird question in a weird way

"Sensei!!" Ichinose said out loud

Chabashira sensei hit her on the head. I think that has become a habit of hers now.

"Hoshinomiya you should conduct yourself properly before other students." Mashima sensei scolded her.

"Hey, do you already have a girlfriend?" she asked. "No... I'm, uh, not especially popular."

I tried to seem reluctant, but Hoshinomiya-sensei kept pushing herself onto me. She grabbed my arms with slender, delicate hands.

"Hmm? How unexpected. If we were in the same class, I'd never leave you alone. Perhaps because you're so innocent? Or do you like playing hard to get?"

Wow. The school was really watching this happen. Well I say the School but actually I could see the half of Ichinose's class facepalming and other half looking down in embarrassment. Looks like they are quite used to it. I'm glad I'm not in her class or my life would be quite difficult.

Even Mashima sensei looks like he's given up on her. Looks like the situation of hoshinomiya sensei is hopeless. (HornyK: Yeah. So now All it remains to see her topless)

What was that?

She caressed my cheeks. I had no idea what to do. She'd probably stop if I licked her fingers, but I had a feeling that'd get me expelled.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that. I would happily let you li-" 

Before she could complete her sentence Chabashira sensei covered her mouth and was in the process of putting her on a hold.

Revealing the mastermind - Classroom of the eliteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant