'Nah it's fine. You didn't did it on purpose right?' the stranger said. 'By the way what's your name? The names Kuroo Tetsurou by the way.' he said holding out a hand for me to shake.

I shaked it and answered him by smiling 'Oh in very sorry about ruining your suit Kuroo. My name is Akagi Michinari and that's my friend Miya Atsumu.' I said pointing to tsumu direction. 'Also you can me kagi and call Atsumu tsumu for short.'

'Dude!! Aren't you that famous model Kuroo Tetsurou?? Omg I'm a big fan!!!' Tsumu said while fanboying.

'Heh it's nice to meet fans here. The people here are quite big shots.' Kuroo said with a lazy smirk on his face.

'BRO OF COURSE!! You and Bokuto are like best buds!! You guys are awesome!!!' Atsumu said not noticing that Sakusa was right on the other side.

'YOU KNOW BOKUBRO?? This is amazing. You should join us. You like those quite chaotic ones.' Kuroo said while cackling.

Then they both high-five each other and started to talk about plans to go out with Bokuto. Just right before Kuroo was about to sling a hand over to Atsumu's shoulder, Atsumu got pulled back into someone chest.

'Yeah I kno- oof' he said. 'WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE BASTARD! GET YOUR FLITHY HAN-' Atsumu got cutted halfway when he heard the man said 'Atsu.. What are you doing with other guys?' He quickly looked up to see Sakusa holding him back while glaring at Kuroo.

'Woah woah chill Sakusabro. We were just planning to go meet up with Bokuto someday. Who knows? Maybe Miya here will be a model like us!!' Kuroo said proudly.

I just stood there quietly to try not get dragged into this conversation but there was no way that anyone would get out. Soon I saw Komori walked over to my side and he quickly grabbed my waist and pulled him to his side.

'Where were you darling? I was worried.' he asked, ignoring the attention he was seeking in the room while I was blushing.

'I went to eat some dinner that's all.. Also I got some food for you.' I said holding up the plate filled with food. 'Thank you darling.' he said accepting the plate of food while looking at those three that's was still bickering.

Kuroo soon to have noticed Komori holding me by the waist and whistled. 'Didn't know you were into boys Komori.' he said while smirking. 'Well I'm going to go now boys.' He said smoothing his suit while waving and walking away. Before we walked to far he said 'Remember to text me tsumu!' 'Of course!' Tsumu replied while waving energetically.

'Tsumu is he your so-called boyfriend?' I asked while eying them up and down. 'Oh yeah! Kagi this is my boyfriend Sakusa Kiyoomi!' Atsumu said pushing his boyfriend a bit to introduce him to me. 'Hello.' he greeted. 'You must be the boy that Motoya is trying to cou-' he got cutted halfway because Komori went over to his side and looked at him threathingly. 

'Komori what?' I asked, tilting my head a bit due to the confusion. 'Never mind.' Sakusa said. 'Oh ok then...' I said still eying them suspiciously. 'Darling let's go home it's quite late already.' Komori said. 'Oh sure! Well bye then Sakusa and tsumu!' I said while waving my hands at them while walking away.

Atsumu POV:

'Bye kagi!!' I said also waving my hands to their direction. 'Now...' Sakusa said getting closer to me. 'Why were you and Kuroo so close together? And also did I say you can give another man your number?' Sakusa said while having this murderous aura around him.

'NO IS JUST A COINCIDENCE. REALLY!' I said slightly panicking. 'But he did offer me to become a model like him!' I said while getting more and more excited. 'Oh really?' Sakusa said raising a eyebrow while looking at me. 'Yeah! But for his offer I will think about it first. Later samu will scold me.' I said. 

'True. Also that's your bestfriend?' Sakusa asked. 'Yeah omi! Do you know him?' I asked looking confused. 'No. Motoya just brought him up during a call yesterday.' Sakusa said while shaking his head. 'Also what did Komori not want kagi to know?' I whispered to him. 

'He didn't want Akagi to know his courting him.' Sakusa whispered back. 'Really? I thought they were together already. Did Komori lied to me??' I asked. 'I guess he did. But let's see how this go? They already look like a couple.' Sakusa said.

'I agree!' I said. 'Even though Komori looks cold, I think his quite soft in the inside.' I stated. 'Well also, Komori brought Akagi to met his parents earlier. His parents were very delighted.'  Sakusa said whispering to me. 'Really? I guess kagi meets his parents standards then.' I whispered back. 'Actually is their first time interested in someone that Komori brought back' Sakusa said. 

'That's a first. I hope they will actually be together since all of my friends have partners already except for him.' I said while sighing. 'I hope so too. Komori is to stubborn to find one. Is good that he found someone that perk up his interest.' Sakusa said.

'Let's hope they both can be together' Both of them thought.

Darling (A Komoaka fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin