Hobbes raised his hand as if motioning you to stop, "Unfortunately, I can not take no for an answer."

You placed your hands on to your waist and deepened your glare, "Excuse me, who the hell do you think-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Hobbes swiftly pressed two of his fingers against the pressure point of your neck. The abrupt and extremely forceful press caused you to slowly black out. All you could remember before passing out was being held by Hobbes and carried away over the balcony...

~Hours later~

Bigby stirred from his sleep to the sound of knocking coming from the main entrance. He groaned inwardly and regarded the alarm clock on the nightstand. It read, 9:52am. Bigby rolled his eyes and sat up in bed. As he felt how light his side of the bed was he quickly snapped his neck to the other side. He glared in confusion at the messy and empty sheets where you laid earlier, 'Where did she...'

Another knock came from the door, followed by Grey calling out, "Yo, Bigs."

Bigby pulled on sweat pants and jogged over to the door. He opened it quickly to avoid his brothers continuous annoyance. "What is it grey?" Bigby asked while rubbing his face. "You told me to apologize, so that's what I'm here to do." Grey stated optimistically while letting himself in.

"Hey, hold on a minute." Bigby shut the door and grabbed his brother by the shoulder to turn him around. "Bigs, I've got my whole speech planned out. So if you talk to me now I might loose it." Grey insisted.

"Right now just might not be the best time." Bigby said while trying to hint something. Being as slow as he is, Grey simple contorted his face and questioned loudly, "What?"

"Would you keep your voice down." Bigby whispered harshly. "Why?" Greg mimicked Bigby's quiet tone.

"Look, I think (Y/n) is in the restroom." Bigby mumbled.


Bigby almost blushed while groaning, "And she might be...undressed while coming out."

Grey starred at his brother with a blank face for a moment, trying to comprehend why his brother had said that. Then like a light bulb going off, Grey laughed and jumped for joy, "You guys did it, didn't you?!"

Bigby brought his palm to his face, "Please just get out."

"Why don't you just go get her or something? I'll wait." Grey insisted.

Bigby ran his hand through his knotted hair and looked over towards the bathroom, "I dont know...She might be a little shy after last night."

Grey plopped down onto the sofa and kicked his feet up, "Why, was it the first time?"

"Yes, now stop asking questions and just go." Bigby demanded. "Nope. I'm doing this now, so go get her." Grey implored while pointing at the bathroom.

Bigby rolled his eyes and accepted defeat. The Wolf's were clearly a very stubborn family.

Grey then played around on his cell phone, acting like he wasn't a bother at all.

Bigby approached the bathroom door and gave it a light tap, "(Y/n)" he called out.

There was no response. Bigby tapped once more, but a little harder. Once again, there was no response.

Grey looked at his brother with confusion as he pressed his ear against the door and listened closely for any hints of movement.

"What's wrong?" Grey inquired. Bigby opened the door and flicked on the light. He was shocked to see that no one was inside. "Hey Grey..." Bigby began.

Your Big Bad Dream (Bigby x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें