What it takes (to be a hero)

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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-man (Tom Holland Movies)


Characters: Peter Parker | Spider-man, Steve Rogers | Captain America, Tony Stark | Iron man, Sam Wilson | Falcon, Natasha Romanoff | Black Widow, Clint Barton | Hawkeye, James Rhodes | War Machine, Happy Hogan 

Tags: BAMF Peter Parker, Angry Peter Parker, Captain America Bashing, mentions of violence


Brief Warning: this has mentions of violence and crime as well as implied canon-typical violence. furthermore, if you didn't already read the tags, there is slight Captain America Bashing Team Cap Bashing. Personally, I have nothing against them, it's just what worked for the story. 


Today had been a stressful day. First, he arrived 10 minutes late to first period because the subway was later than the schedule. Then Flash Thompson, bully extraordinaire, hit him around worse than usual. Maybe it had something to do with his parents refusing to buy him a new car which Peter kind of felt bad for or how Peter answered a question that Flash got wrong. Honestly, Flash just sort of always had bad moods because of reasons that Peter mostly did not have control over.

After that, his Chemistry teacher gave him detention next week for staring out of the window too long. Peter swears he would have listened to her discussion if he didn't already know the lesson. He learned all about the oxidation of aldehydes and ketones ages ago when he was lonely and had nothing to do. Sue him, he was bored out of his mind.

And after his day, one would think he couldn't have experienced more bad luck, right? Wrong! The universe decided to fuck with Peter even more by sending in a horde of flame-throwing, breakdancing robots. Peter couldn't believe it when Tony called. "Breakdancing robots?! Are you kidding?"

Over the phone, the Iron Man thrusters could be faintly heard. Obviously amused, Tony answered "No, Roo. They have disco lights and everythin - Shit! That was close. Katniss, Can you cover me? - So, you coming or what?"


Which brings him to this moment. Currently, Peter was lamenting his bad luck - stupid parker luck! Why can't I just have one day that's normal? The breakdancing robots were trickier than one would expect.

Apparently, fighting a robot which fought using dance moves was hard because the attack patterns were weird but also he didn't know anything about dance aside from twerking and even that was debatable.

Towards the end, the robots were able to catch him by surprise and burn part of his mask off.

So, here he was, in Avengers' tower, facing a group of adults all sporting looks that ranged from mild disappointment to furious.

Staring at him for a minute, Clint said furiously with a look of extreme constipation, "Damn, kid! How old are you?"

Defensive, Peter tilted his chin up and said, "I'm nearly 16." Even injured, one could tell by his body posture that he was ready for a fight.

Hearing the scraping of a chair, Peter turned towards the sound. Steve Rogers had that face on. Not the I totally understand what you're going through face that Peter expected, since Mr. Rogers kind of signed up for the army at 15, but the I know better than you face he was sporting when Peter fought him in Germany. You know. Like a hypocrite.

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