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My fears, very weird.

-When I'm at the store, and I have to take money out of my wallet, Nothing is neat in there and then I drop some of my money and it gets everywhere, then suddenly a whole line is behind me and the cashier is watching me, waiting for me to give them the money, then someone starts whispering to their associate and I just hand the money and run out-

-When I'm walking somewhere and there's a lot of vehicles around, then one of the vehicles stop for me to cross the road. Then I have to run because i'm scared if I'm holding them up-

-when i'm playing volleyball and I'm in setter then someone passes the ball to me then suddenly I mess up and everyone saw me mess up.

-Walking in front of a group of people

-Falling down in public where there's a bunch of people

-Teachers calling in you, either to answer a question or come up to the class and do something and all your classmates looking at you like '👀'

-Running somewhere.

-Diving for the ball in volleyball and landed face first.

My trashdump <3 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant