so where am i going" i asked when we got on the plane

to the amazon jungle she lives in the town right next to it remembe-

to be careful and when she is safe then tell her what she wants to know yeah i know i'm not a noob so dont lecture me like one"i said cutting him off and also snapping at him

i'm sorry i'm just a little scared" i said he then moved to hug me i melted into his voice while he whispered comforting words next thing i know i'm asleep then i'm woken up by Frits

did you sleep well sleeping beauty

yeah i did also thanks for the comforting i don't know what i would do if you weren't here to help me

hey i promised your mom i would look out for you and that what i'm going to do till the day i die

thanks" i say before leaning back on him

we're here" said the pilot good luck

thanks so see you at the rondevu point k

k" said Frits with that i left and went for her house when i got there i saw the last people i wanted to see if you guessed G.L.O.V.E. operatives then you were right they were aiming a gun at her i had to act fast that when i started walking and talking about the lose of our agent i didn't say the agent part but i did describe how he died then breaking me out of my thoughts i heard the cock of the gun i looked and saw it pointed at me i started to cry even more due to the gun in my face reminding me of his tragic death they just stared at me while i cried then the one with the gun had enough and he shot i moved and the bullet went by me then i charged pulled out my dagger stabbing him and his college they both fell to the ground

don't worry they aren't dead but we will be if we don't hurry" with that said i grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with me when we where about ¾ of the the way to the rondevu point she put her foot down

Lilys POV:

ok so first off i was just getting up and also just had a cup of coco because it was my first day of school ever since my brothers went missing i've been here all alone but hey i'm fine with being alone i have most of my life but thats not here or now speaking of now i was just going to go get the mail when two men i never seen before show up at my house and say i'm under arrest for a crime i didn't do then they pull out a gun in my head i'm thinking where are my brothers when i need them then out of nowhere a person came walking by crying and he/she was saying something about someone who died the men that were as stunned as me turned to the new comer and the one with the gun cocked it that made the person stop in their tracks the person looked at the gun then started to cry again all three of us just stared at the person thats when the man with the gun had enough he shot it but then the cryer stopped he dodged the bullet and pulled a dagger out of nowhere and stabbed both men they dropped to the ground i was frozen in shock and awe by his skill and how fast he moved then i realised that he said something i wasn't paying any mind i just kept going over the events of today that when i realized this person was dragging me through the amazon forest i put both my feet down and thats when we both stopped it was then i got a good look at the person he was male a little shorter then me skinnier too he also had paler skin and pitch black eyes long eyelashes and a confused look on his face

why'd we stop we have to keep going" he also had a girly voice


because all i did was stun them

what with a dagger you stunned them ya right stop messing with me what is this some kind of messed up prank cause it so funny ha ha ha" yet there was some part of me that believed he was telling the truth he also kept looking around us like he sees something in the shadows of the forest "ok so say i believe you where are we going

to meet up with some friends of mine

why should i trust you

because i'm not holding a gun up to your head telling you to come with me or else

ok good point wait how old are you

irrelevant to the problem at hand i'll tell you all you want to know when we are safe

what do you mean irrelevant and when we are safe aren't we safe her-

NO we are not safe here we need to keep moving plez" he said pleading when i looked him in the eyes he held a look that said i'm scared it was the same look i always held whenever i wanted to hide my true feelings and that when i felt something snip my cheek that brought me out of my thoughts i brought my hand to my cheek and saw blood

their coming come on" that when i let him drag me to where ever he was heading my mind was on his face and why he had that look then we came to an sudden stop

why'd we sto-" i cut short due to the fact that we were surround

present time

Kaylubs POV:

is she ok

yeah she'll be fine just everything that happened may have caught up to her so how you holding up

i'm just glad thats over" with that said i went over to her and sat by her bed the scratch on her cheek healed but left a scar that's when she woke up

i'm glad you're awake

thank but where are we?

on a black stealth jet

oh ok wait what why!?

because that how we get places without being detected

why do we need to be undetected are we bad guys?!

no we are spies

you mean spies spies like go on secret missions for the government spies?

something like that

cool but who were they were they bad guys?

they are an evil organization called G.L.O.V.E.

G.L.O.V.E. why?

don't know but king does


he's the ruler or the boss of all the spies

wait there's more than 1 type of spy?

yes there's A.spies, B.spies, O.spies, V.spies and last but not least spy pups

wait spy pups?

yes spy pups that what I am and what you will be it starts spy pups then when you're 16 you take a test that will put you in your rank it goes villain, omega, beta, alpha you can of course challenge someone for their rank that will drop them down 1 and you take their place

cool" then the pilot came in

agent K we're here

k i'll be out in a bit

ok" with that he left

i have someone who would love to see you we got him but lost the other 2 sorry

what do you me-" the door opened cutting her off but who entered surprised her even more jason is that you

yeah sis it me" when he said that she practically jumped off the bed in to her brothers awaiting arms thanks Kaylub

your welcome now i'll let you two reconnect just remember

be there by opening ceremony i know i know

ok don't be late it my turn this year k

k" with that I left to leave them to it but not without bumping into Frits

so how'd it go

fine shes with her brother now

your mother would be proud

yeah i know" with that said he wrapped his arms around me and whispering in my ear

are those my jeans

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the end~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ with that said thats the end of chap.1 plez comment,vote,and sub. for more thanks also i know it a long chap but plez enjoy this new story

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